

The analysis of biosignals has received a wide attention in research as well as commercially because novel signal processing techniques can lead to better and more timely diagnosis and treatment of different disorders (e.g. cardiovascular and neurological disorders). Biosignals recorded non-invasively from the human body convey information about the physiological systems generating them, but it is often hidden or blurred due to external and internal noise and other interacting signals. Signal processing is required to extract from biosignals the information which is physiologically/clinically relevant or meaningful. Proper signal processing techniques should be driven by the underlying physiology and application, and requires multidisciplinary knowledge. Research topics include for instance: automatic electrocardiogram delineation and characterization for risk stratification and cardiac dysfunctions assessment, cardiovascular variability analysis for the assessment of autonomic nervous system in physiological and pathological conditions, intracardiac electrogram characterization for guiding atrial fibrillation ablation, modeling and simulation of cardiac electrophysiology.

Research groups and supervisors involved in this research area are:

    • Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging (University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Kuopio, Finland)
      • Professor Pasi Karjalainen (pasi.karjalainen (at)
    • Biosignal processing (University of Oulu (OULU), Oulu, Finland)
      • Professor Tapio Seppänen (tapio.seppanen (at)
    • Tampere University ((TUNI), Tampere, Finland)
      • Professor Jari Hyttinen (jari.hyttinen (at)
      • Associate Professor Jari Viik (jari.viik (at)
      • Professor Jukka Lekkala (jukka.lekkala (at)
      • Senior Research Fellow Hannu Nieminen (hannu.nieminen (at)
    • Biomedical Signal Interpretation & Computational Simulation  (University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR), Zaragoza, Spain)
      • Professor Pablo Laguna (laguna (at)
      • Associate Professor Raquel Bailón (rbailon (at)
      • Associate Professor Juan Pablo Martinez (jpmart (at)

This research area is connected with Multimodal neuroimaging research area.

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