Check out our latest activities:


Check out more of our news at X (Twitter) @LatonenLeena

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The publication of histology image registration challenge from ABCAP consortium is out! Wanna know how to align multiple histological images of the same samples? See the paper published in the distinguished journal Medical Image Analysis:
The ACROBAT 2022 challenge: Automatic registration of breast cancer tissue

Our tests for using Virtual Reality in teaching 3D histology are continuing, this time at University of Turku. See the news piece (in Finnish) here:
Virtuaalitodellisuus biolääketieteen opetuksen apuna | Turun yliopisto (

We wrote about the future prospects and sustainability in histopathology through AI-based virtual staining to Duodecim, the main journal of medical professionals in Finnish:
Virtuaalivärjäys mahdollistaa ympäristöystävällisempää histologiaa kemikaaleja vähentämällä (

Sonja Koivukoski is presenting her work on virtual HE-staining of breast cancer whole slide images as a talk at European Conference on Digital pathology – ECDP2024
European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | ECDP2024 | 20th European Congress on Digital Pathology 2024

A PhD dissertation was successfully defended by Annika Kohvakka of lncRNAs in prostate cancer. Congratulations!!
See the news piece (in Finnish) here:
Annika Kohvakka: LncRNA-molekyylit auttavat tunnistamaan aggressiiviset eturauhassyövät | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö (

Minttu Kärkkäinen, a graduate student in the lab, just received a 2-year grant for her PhD studies from the Finnish Cultural Foundation. Congratulations!!
Myönnetyt apurahat | Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (

The abstract deadline for the Finnish Cancer Institute Symposium is approaching! Visit the symposium web page to submit your abstract in time for this major cancer research event of the year:

Leena Latonen is presenting our work at AACR Annual Meeting 2024 in San Diego
AACR Annual Meeting 2024 | Meetings | AACR

Leena and Sonja are giving talks at the 50th Anniversary Seminar of the Finnish Association for Cell Biology at University of Jyväskylä. Talk topics in how AI can help cell biology in research and clinics, and virtual staining in histology!

Our review article of Virtual staining in histology is out!
Virtual staining for histology by deep learning – ScienceDirect

Leena wrote a piece about the role of RNA binding proteins in cancer drug resistance to Duodecim (in Finnish), which is now out:
RNA:han sitoutuvat proteiinit syövän lääkehoidossa ja -resistenssissä (

We are testing Virtual Reality in teaching histology and 3D tissue features to biomedical students. Check out a newspiece in Finnish:
Biolääketieteen opetuksessa testattiin virtuaalista syöpäkasvainta | Itä-Suomen yliopisto (

Our article on heterogeneity in prostate cancer cell responses to platinum drugs is out! Check:
Platinum-based drugs induce phenotypic alterations in nucleoli and Cajal bodies in prostate cancer cells | Cancer Cell International (