8th Fennoscandian Dendrochronological Fieldweek

June 8-13, 2025, Petkeljärvi National Park, Finland

Dendrochronology, the study of tree rings utilizes the variety of information stored in the annual rings in trees to study timings of events, or environmental conditions over time. Through its ability to provide accurate temporal records, dendrochronology serves as a vital tool for understanding Earth’s history and the interactions between ecosystems and humans.

The eighth Fennoscandian Dendrochronological Fieldweek will be arranged in the scenic old-growth pine forests of Petkeljärvi National Park, North Karelia, Finland. This intensive course offers a one-week program aiming to provide participants with a working knowledge of dendrochronological methods, or to deepen their understanding of various dendrochronological applications. Through a combination of lectures and discussions, fieldwork, and laboratory analyses course participants will explore the principles and techniques of tree ring research in detail. By the end of the course, participants will be able to apply the techniques learnt on the course to their own research.

After the course, we will arrange an option to travel from Joensuu to Umeå, to participate the TRACE 2025 conference.

The course is arranged in the Petkeljärvi Center, in the easternmost part of Finland. Photo by Arto Väänänen, (c) Petkeljärvi Center.

Important dates

  • March 9: Deadline for course registration (through the link below)
  • June 8, 15.00: Departure from Joensuu train station towards Petkeljärvi Center
  • June 8-13: Lectures, fieldwork, laboratory work, and data analysis in Petkeljärvi National Park and the surroundings
  • June 13, 17.30: Return to Joensuu train station
  • June 14 (tentative): Travel to Umeå, for the TRACE2025-conference (more information after registration closes)

Course organizers

  • Tuomas Aakala, University of Eastern Finland (course coordinator, contact: tuomas.aakala@uef.fi)
  • Shawn Fraver, University of Maine, USA
  • Igor Drobyshev, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Jennie Sandström, Mid-Sweden University
  • Ken Olaf Storaunet, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

The course is organized by the University of Eastern Finland, in collaboration with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and is part of the Nordic NOVA-university network.

Course fee and registration

There is no course fee, but participants are expected to cover their accommodation and meals during the week (ca. 250€), as well as travel to and from the city of Joensuu.

The course is intended primarily for PhD students, working on or planning to work with tree rings. For logistics reasons, we have a maximum number of 20 participants. To apply, fill the registration form by March 9, 2025:


Applicants will be notified of acceptance by the end of March.

We look forward to seeing you in North Karelia in June!