
24.4. Wednesday

11:00 -> Registration starts in the lobby of the Aura-building (follow the signs)

11:30 – 13:00 Lunch & Setting up the posters

13:00 – 13:10 Welcoming words, main lecture hall AU100

Session 1:  Species and community inventories

Chair: Jaakko Pohjoismäki

13:10 – 14:10 Keynote speaker Tomas Roslin: Making sense of hyperdiverse taxa using molecular methods

14:10 – 14:30 Veronika Laine, The Finnish Museum of Natural History: Natural history museums and molecular research

14:30 – 14:50  Suvi Olli, University of Oulu: Comparison of environmental DNA protocols for moor frog (Rana arvalis) detection

14:50 – 15:10 Coen Westerduin, University of Oulu: Dietary niches and their consequences for five insectivorous boreal forest passerines

15:10 – 15:30 Hannah Weller, University of Helsinki: recolorize: An R package for flexible colour segmentation of biological images

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee

Session 2: Conservation genetics

Chair: Tomas Roslin

16:00 – 16:20 Alina Niskanen, University of Oulu: Inbreeding genomics and inbreeding depression in the Finnish gray wolf

16:20 – 16:40 Dominika Bujnakova, University of Oulu: Why we need large scale genetic assessments – a case of the Eurasian wolverine

16:40 – 17:00 Gerrit Wehrenberg, University of Oulu: A reduced SNP panel for non-invasive assessment of a genetically impoverished conservation icon, the European bison

17:00 – 17:20 Raisa Nikula, Metsähallitus Wildlife Service Finland: Genetic diversity of the declining River Oulanka brown trout

17:20 -> Poster session, hangout time

19:00 -> Free dispersal downtown for dinner & drinks

25.4. Thursday

Session 3:  Evolution of genomes and species

Chair: Giovanna Mottola

09:00 – 10:00 Keynote speaker Elina Immonen: A genetic tug-of-war between the sexes sustains genetic variation and shapes sex chromosomes

[10:00 – 12:00 a parallel workshop on eDNA in AU204]

10:00 – 10:20 Julian Schach, University of Helsinki: Molecular Phylogeny of Cotesia Parasitizing Melitaeini Butterflies and the Possible Role of Wolbachia Endosymbionts

10:20 – 10:40 Amaïa Lamarins, University of Helsinki: How do Atlantic salmon respond to selective pressures under various genetic architectures of life-history traits?

10:40 – 11:10 Coffee

Session 4:  Metabolic adaptations and evolution

Chair: Elina Immonen

11:10 – 11:30 Kateryna Gaertner, Tampere University & Riikka Tapanainen, University of Eastern Finland: Hare fibroblasts present distinct metabolic signatures associated with adaptive thermogenesis

11:30 – 11:50 Flávia Nitta Fernandes, University of Helsinki: Adaptive mismatch as a potential mechanism of adaptation in a long-lived species

11:50 – 12:10 Nina Cossin-Sevrin, University of Turku: Early-life adversity modulates growth trajectories and mitochondrial metabolism in king penguin chicks

12:10 – 12:30 Robin Cristofari, University of Helsinki: Methylation patterns reveal the cost of a sedentary life for an active bird

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

Session 5:  Genomics of adaptation 1

Chair: Anssi Vainikka

13:30 – 14:30 Keynote speaker Anti Vasemägi: Host-parasite genomics in aquatic realm

14:30 – 14:50 Victoria Twort, Finnish Museum of Natural History: Unlocking the evolutionary history and adaptation of Myotis bats in response to a fungal pathogen

14:50 – 15:10 Miguel Baltazar-Soares, University of Turku: Genomic basis of melanin-associated phenotypes suggests colour-specific environmental adaptations in tawny owls

15:10 – 15:30 Thais Ferreira-Araújo, University of Helsinki: Shedding light on the mystery of freshwater breeding flounders with otolith microchemistry and genomics

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee

Session 6:  Genomics of adaptation 2

Chair: Anti Vasemägi

16:00 – 16:20 Ana Sofia Lindeza, University of Helsinki: A common-garden experiment reveals additive effects of two life-history loci on age-at-maturity in Atlantic salmon

16:20 – 16:40 Heidi Viitaniemi, University of Turku: Genetic responses of local populations in response to the establishment of novel invasive species

16:40 – 17:00  Maria Cadiz, University of Helsinki: Exploring population genetic structure and life history diversity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Näätämö River

17:00 – 17:20 Tuomas Leinonen, Luke: Genetic structure of the River Teno brown trout populations

18:30 – 23:00 Gala dinner in Club Kerubi

26.4. Friday

Session 7:  Biodiversity genomics to phenotypes

Chair: Saskia Wutke

09:00 – 10:00 Keynote speaker Camila Mazzoni: Genomic enablement of Neotropical species

10:00 – 10:20 Zsófia Fekete, University of Eastern Finland: High-quality reference genome assemblies for two hare species and their utilization in population genomics

10:20 – 10:40 April Snøfrid Kleppe, University of Jyväskylä: Phenotypic evolvability and protein networks

10:40 – 11:00 Ilkka Kronholm, University of Jyväskylä: How chromatin structure shapes natural genetic diversity

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee

Session 8:  Functional (holo)genomics

Chair: Camila Mazzoni

11:30 – 11:50 Xindi Huang, University of Helsinki: Identification of Tissue-specific Novel Genes and LncRNAs Associated with Maturation in Atlantic salmon

11:50 – 12:10 Patrick Heidbreder, University of Helsinki: Genome-wide barriers after a history of divergence with gene flow in Formica ants

12:10 – 12:30 Suvi Ruuskanen, University of Jyväskylä: Gut microbiome underlying winter adaptations in wild birds

12:30 – 12:50 Announcing poster prices

12:50 – 13:20 Closing remarks: Prof. Craig Primmer, University of Helsinki

13:20 End of the official program, Lunch

13:20 – 14:20 FinMolEcol PI lunch & meeting

(Get-together activities in Joensuu)

27.4. Saturday: Field excursion to Koli

Departure from Joensuu 9 am, return 5 pm.