How to get here and what to expect?

Joensuu is located in Eastern Finland (N62.622, E29.706).

Getting to Joensuu by plane

There are daily flights from Helsinki, operated by a contractor for Finnair. Connecting flights are usually easy to arrange.

By train

There are direct train connections from Helsinki, including the Helsinki Airport (one change). Train routes via Central Finland (Jyväskylä, Tampere etc) work through one or two train changes. Unfortunately direct connections to the North (e.g. Oulu) are non-existing.

By car

All roads lead to Joensuu. It is just usually a long drive.

Staying in Joensuu

All hotels and hostels in Joensuu are located within walking distance from the venue. We do not have any particular recommendations for accommodation, the quality of all hotels is very good. If you plan to come as a bigger group, check also the AirBnB options.

Environmental conditions and weather in April

Joensuu is a great lively, mid-sized (in Finnish measures) town with lots of students. You are likely not to get exposed to the elements when visiting the campus or hanging out downtown. However, the nature is close in Joensuu, so we highly recommend you taking some time off to see some of it.

We will be organising a guided field trip for everyone interested on the Saturday (April 27) after the meeting. The weather at the end of April in North Karelia can be very variable, from freezing temperatures to +25°C, depending on the year. If you are interested in participating in the excursion, please be prepared with at least hiking shoes and a proper coat.

Lycia pomonaria pair enjoying the +20°C weather in Kitee, April 25, 2019.

Stream Hiienjoki, Ilomantsi. April 25, 2018. Exciting 70 cm of snow at places, fog, rain and gentle +5°C.