Keynote speakers

Camilla Mazzoni

  • Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research, Berlin, Germany
  • Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany

I am a senior researcher and group leader in Evolutionary and Conservation Genomics at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), and co-leader of the Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv). I have also served for 2.5 years as chair of the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and am currently the Genome Stream leader of the Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project. Outside of Europe, I am part of the core group of the Genotropics Consortium, which aims to quickly advance the knowledge about species adaptation in the Neotropics via Genomics.
A great part of my research involves applying Genomic tools to non-model species, with a strong emphasis on endangered species. I am dedicated to bring all that state-of-the-art genomics offers to human and other model organisms to species of conservation concern. My research group at the Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv) has been developing and implementing wet lab and computational genomic methods to a wide range of species, sample types and scales.

Elina Immonen

  • Uppsala University, Sweden

I am an assistant professor in the Evolutionary Biology program at the Department of Ecology and Genetics (Uppsala University). In my team we work on understanding genetics of adaptation and genomic conflicts from the perspective of two sexes. We combine quantitative genetics and genomic methods with experimental evolution to study evolvability and genetic architecture of sex differences in ecologically important life history traits.

Tomas Roslin

  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
  • University of Helsinki, Finland

Finnish ecologist currently active at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala) and University of Helsinki. In Uppsala I am professor of insect ecology, in Helsinki I am part of the Research Centre of Ecological Change (REC).
I am passionate about ecological interaction networks and how they are affected by global change.

Anti Vasemägi

  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Anti Vasemägi is a professor of fish biology and genetics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua). Much of AV’s work is focused on fish and their parasites, combining population genetics, environmental DNA, -omics and ecological approaches to understand the mechanisms of how aquatic organisms interact, disperse and adapt. He is also a passionate fisherman, amateur kite surfer and proud Stabyhoun owner.
AV’s research covers a broad spectrum of topics in evolutionary biology, genomics, population genetics and ecology focusing on understanding the drivers of genetic and phenotypic variation in aquatic organisms. Specifically, he is interested in understanding the molecular basis of adaptation, relationships between genotype and phenotype, and how hosts and parasites interact in the face of climate change.