
Prof Jaakko Pohjoismäki

Jaakko is a molecular biologist and geneticist with a keen interest on mitochondria and biodiversity.

Dr Giovanna Mottola

Giovanna is a postdoc at the University of Eastern Finland. Her research aims at exploring the genomic basis of various traits in salmonids. Currently, her focus is investigating the genetic markers that underpin the diverse migration strategies observed in brown trout populations.

Prof Anssi Vainikka

Anssi Vainikka is a professor of evolutionary aquatic biology at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences. His main interests include human-induced contemporary evolution, rapid evolution of life-history and personality traits and their genetic underpinnings, and management of microevolutionary processes for conservation.

Dr Saskia Wutke

Saskia is an evolutionary biologist working as a postdoc at the University of Eastern Finland. Her current research focuses on genomics and phylogenomics of sawflies.

Prof Frank Berninger

Prof Jukka Kekäläinen