DNA is all around us – a workshop on eDNA analysis

This workshop is provided by our symposium partner BioName and is available for all participants

The workshop is held within the same premise as the meeting, room AU204.

Time: Thursday, April 25, 10-12 am.

Program outline

1. Introduction (15 minutes)

Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop

Brief Overview of Environmental DNA (eDNA) and its Applications in Ecological Research

2. Participant Introductions and Expectations (15 minutes)

Participants may introduce themselves and briefly share their research interests and expectations for the workshop.

3. Overview of eDNA Techniques (15 minutes)

Presentation or discussion on various eDNA techniques, including sampling methods, DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis.

4. Interactive Session: Brainstorming Research Ideas (30 minutes)

Participants break into small groups to brainstorm and discuss potential research projects or questions where eDNA could be applied.

Each group selects a spokesperson to share their ideas with the whole workshop.

5. Presentation of Research Services (15 minutes)

Introduction to the research services offered by Bioname covering DNA extraction, sequencing, bioinformatics analysis, and any additional support or expertise provided.

6. Q&A Session (15 minutes)

Open floor for participants to ask questions and seek clarification on eDNA techniques, research services, or any other related topics.

7. Closing Remarks and Networking (10 minutes)

Summary of key takeaways from the workshop.

Opportunity for participants to network, exchange contact information, and discuss potential collaborations.