
Scientific articles

Lipponen, AH., Mikkonen, S., Kollanus, V., Tiittanen, P., Lanki T. (2024)
Increase in summertime ambient temperature is associated with decreased sick leave risk in Helsinki, Finland. Environmental research 2024; 117396. Available online:

Sohail H., S. Zhang, U. Kraus, S. Mikkonen, S. Breitner, K. Wolf, N. Nikolaou, A. Peters, T. Lanki, and A. Schneider (2024)
Association between air temperature and self-perceived health status in Southern Germany: Results from KORA FIT study
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 262, 114431, doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2024.114431.

Farahani, A. V., Jokisalo, J., Korhonen, N., Jylhä, K., & Kosonen, R. (2024)
Hot Summers in Nordic Apartments: Exploring the Correlation between Outdoor Weather Conditions and Indoor Temperature.
Buildings, 14(4), 1053.

Farahani, A. V., kravchenko, I., Jokisalo, J., Korhonen, N., Jylhä, K., & Kosonen, R. (2023). Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate. Building Research & Information, 52(3), 273–291.

Ruosteenoja, K., Jylhä, K. (2023)
Average and extreme heatwaves in Europe at 0.5-2.0°C global warming levels in CMIP6 model simulations.
Climate Dynamics, 2023 Available online: online.

Drebs A., Suomi J., Mäkelä A. (2023)
Urban heat island research at high latitudes — utilising Finland as an example.
Boreal Environment Research 2023; 28: 81–96. Available online:

Chen, M., Farahani, A. V., Kilpeläinen, S., Kosonen, R., Younes, J., Ghaddar, N., Ghali, K., Melikov, A. K. (2023)
Thermal comfort chamber study of Nordic elderly people with local cooling devices in warm conditions.
Building and Environment 2023, 110213. Available online.

Younes J., M. Chen, K. Ghali, R. Kosonen, A. K. Melikov, A. V. Farahani, S. Kilpeläinen, N. Ghaddar (2023)
Enhancing sustainability and resilience of elderly dwellings: Optimized refurbishing parameters and air conditioning operation
Energy and Buildings, Volume 289, 2023, 113065,

Younes J., M. Chen, K. Ghali, R. Kosonen, A. K. Melikov, N. Ghaddar (2023)
A thermal sensation model for elderly under steady and transient uniform conditions
Building and Environment, Volume 227, Part 2, 2023, 109797,

Farahani A.V., I. Kravchenko, J. Jokisalo, N. Korhonen, K. Jylhä & R. Kosonen (2023)
Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate
Building Research & Information,DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2023.2253338.

Kravchenko I., A. V. Farahani, R. Kosonen, S. Kilpeläinen, O. Saranko, C. Fortelius (2023)
Effect of the urban microenvironment on the indoor air temperature of the residential building stock in the Helsinki region
Building and Environment, Volume 246, 2023, 110971,

Ruosteenoja, K., Jylhä K. (2023)
Heatwave projections for Finland at different levels of global warming derived from CMIP6 simulations
Geophysica, 58, 2023, 58, 47-75,

Farahani A.V., J. Jokisalo, N. Korhonen, K. Jylhä, R. Kosonen, S. Lestinen (2022)
Performance assessment of ventilative and radiant cooling systems in office buildings during extreme weather conditions under a changing climate, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 57, 2022, 104951,

Rutgersson, A., Kjellström, E., Haapala, J., Stendel, M., Danilovich, I., Drews, M., Jylhä, K., Kujala, P., Larsén, X. G., Halsnæs, K., Lehtonen, I., Luomaranta, A., Nilsson, E., Olsson, T., Särkkä, J., Tuomi, L., and Wasmund, N. (2022)
Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region
Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 251–301,

Kravchenko I, Kosonen R, Jokisalo J, Kilpeläinen S. (2022)
Performance of Modern Passive Stack Ventilation in a Retrofitted Nordic Apartment Building.
Buildings. 2022; 12(2):96.

Ruuhela, R., Votsis, A., Kukkonen, J., Jylhä, K., Kankaanpää, S., & Perrels, A. (2021)
Temperature-Related Mortality in Helsinki Compared to Its Surrounding Region Over Two Decades, with Special Emphasis on Intensive Heatwaves.
Atmosphere, 12(1), 46.

Velashjerdi Farahani A., Jokisalo J., Korhonen N., Jylhä K., Ruostenoja K., Kosonen R. (2021)
Overheating Risk and Energy Demand of Nordic Old and New Apartment Buildings during Average and Extreme Weather Conditions under a Changing Climate.
Applied Sciences, 2021; 11:3972. Available online.

Kollanus V., Tiittanen P., Lanki T. (2021)
Mortality risk related to heatwaves in Finland – Factors affecting vulnerability.
Environmental Research, 2021; 201:111503. Available online.

Sohail H., Kollanus V., Tiittanen P., Schneider A., Lanki T. (2020)
Heat, heatwaves and cardiorespiratory hospital admissions in Helsinki, Finland.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020; 17:7892. Available online.

Publications for professional communities

Jylhä K., Ruosteenoja K., Böök H., Lindfors A., Pirinen P., Laapas M., Mäkelä A. Nykyisen ja tulevan ilmaston säätietoja rakennusfysikaalisia laskelmia ja energialaskennan testivuotta 2020 varten. Ilmatieteen laitos, Raportteja 2020:6. Available online.

Hannikainen K., Härmä V., Karvonen S., Saikkonen P. Helteet aiheuttavat terveyshaittoja myös Suomessa: Mitä tiedämme taustalla olevista tekijöistä? Tutkimuksesta tiiviisti 7/2021. Suomen sosiaalinen tila 3/2021. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Helsinki. Available online.

Ruosteenoja K. Applicability of CMIP6 models for building climate projections for northern Europe. Ilmatieteen laitos, Raportteja 2021:7. Available online.

Conference abstracts

Sohail H., Tiittanen P., Kollanus V., Lanki T. Heat, heatwaves and cardiorespiratory hospital admissions in Helsinki, Finland.  16th World Congress on Public Health 2020. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 30, Issue Supplement 5, September 2020, ckaa166.140. Available online.

Korhonen N., Hyvärinen O., Kämäräinen M., Jylhä K. Evaluating sub-seasonal heatwave reforecasts of the ECMWF over Europe. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2021. Vol. 18, EMS2021-146. Available online.

Kämäräinen M., Jylhä K., Korhonen N., Nyvärinen O. Forecasting monthly numbers of hot days in Europe with a convolutional neural network. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2021. Vol. 18, EMS2021-90. Available online.

Jylhä K., Ruosteenoja K., Böök H., Lindfors A., Pirinen P., Laapas M., Mäkelä A. Tailored climate information for assessing energy demand and physical functioning of buildings. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2021. Vol. 18, EMS2021-243. Available online.

Derbs A., Sinsel T., Jylhä K. About simulated influence of roof- and wall-greening on an old people’s home in Helsinki, Finland, during the 2018 heatwave event. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2021. Vol. 18, EMS2021-221. Available online.

Derbs A., Sinsel T., Jylhä K. Micro-climatological influences on temperature condition in an old people’s home in Helsinki, Finland, caused by extended heat-waves. EGU General Assembly 2021. EGU21-10897. Available online.