Forest Policy Day in Joensuu on October 30th

Does the EU have a forest policy and should it?

The impact of the EU’s Nature restoration law on Finland

A free public event will be held on October 30th at the University of Eastern Finland’s Joensuu campus, where topical issues related to the EU’s Forest policy will be heard and discussed. The event is intended for everyone interested in forests and their use.

The event is part of a network project supported by Metsämiesten säätiö, aimed at increasing knowledge of EU forest decision-making and related research and education. During the day, we will hear about the impacts of the recently approved EU Nature restoration law on Finnish forests and discuss whether the EU has a forest policy and whether it should have one.

Program of the day

University’s Metria Building, Yliopistokatu 7, Room M100, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Morning Session in English

9:30–10:00 Coffee

10:00–11:00 Presentation and discussion of the results of the previous day’s expert workshop: Does the EU have a forest policy and should it?

11:00–12:00 How Conflicts Shape the Uptake of the EU Forest Policy at a National Level, Alex Giurca, Principal Scientist, European Forest Institute (EFI). Speaking remotely

12:00–1:00 PM Lunch (at own expense)

Afternoon Session in Finnish

1:00–1:05 PM Welcome and introduction to the afternoon program, Jan Kunnas, University Researcher in Forest Policy, University of Eastern Finland

1:05–1:45 PM The EU Restoration law has been approved, what does it mean? Maarit Loiskekoski, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment

1:45–2:15 PM Discussion

2:15–2:45 PM Development of EU Forest Policy and Finland’s Role in it, Hanna Siiskonen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Eastern Finland

2:45–3:00 PM Discussion

3:00–4:00 PM Coffee

Welcome to listen and discuss!

The event is free to attend, but pre-registration is requested for coffee service. The event can also be followed online, and a participation link will be sent in advance to registrants.

Please register by 12:00 PM on October 28th. If you are attending both sessions, please register separately for each.

Lisätietoja / More information: Jan Kunnas  puh. 050 405 8127