About Us

ItäVä, the Doctoral Researchers Association of the University of Eastern Finland, is an association for all doctoral researchers at the UEF.

We aim to create a community of doctoral researchers across all the UEF faculties and support their well-being by creating a bridge between them and the university. The main activities of the association include organising both academic and social events.

The association was registered with the Finnish Patent and Registration Office in September 2013. You can find the registry details here.


In 2023, the association celebrates its tenth anniversary with renaming itself to reflect the new UEF policies of talking about doctoral researchers rather than doctoral students.

The UEF DSA was established at the first board meeting on 18 July 2013. Tanja Kähkönen and Laura Penttinen planted the seed of the association. The founding parents of our association were Tanja Kähkönen, Laura Penttinen, Markus Stocker, Hristo Zlatev, Victor Carrasco-Navarro, Augustine-Moses Gbagir, and Timo Voipio.

The Chairs of the UEF DSA 

Lenka Dvořáková 2022–2023

Hasan Sohail 2021 

Ari J. Tervashonka 2020  

Miia Hurskainen 2019  

Niina Vuokila 2018 

Olla Diaz Yanez 2017 

Victor Carrasco Navarro 2015–2016

Tanja Kähkönen 2013–2014

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