
Fees & Registration

Registration fees vary based on whether your organisation is an IUCN Academy of Environmental Law member, whether your organisation is located in a high, middle or lower-income economy, and whether you plan to attend in-person or online.

If you are in any doubt about the classification of your country or the status of your institutional membership, please consult the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law membership site.

Conference registration (in-person attendance) includes: Entry to all plenary and parallel sessions, lunches, coffee and tea breaks, and access to the welcome reception (see our programme for more details).

Registration deadlines:

  • For in-person attendance: 30 June
  • For online attendance: 24 July


Fee Status Price
Member Registration (High Income)400€
Member Registration (Mid Income)250€
Member Registration (Low Income)150€
Non-Member Registration (High Income)450€
Non-Member Registration (Mid Income)280€
Non-Member Registration (Low Income)170€
Student Registration (High Income)250€
Student Registration (Mid Income)150€
Student Registration (Low Income)100€


Fee StatusPrice
Member Registration (Online Attendance)75€
Non-Member Registration (Online Attendance)100€
Student Registration (Online Attendance)50€

Registration Form

After having familiarised yourself with the fee structure and checked which fee applies to you, please register and pay the fee through one of the following forms, depending on whether you want to participate in person or online:

Note: In accordance with Finnish Government and UEF policies, we do not accept registrations from people affiliated with Russian or Belarusian institutions.

Supporters of the Colloquium:

The IUCN AEL Colloquium 2023 is proudly supported by Transnational Environmental Law and Cambridge University Press.

Edward Elgar will be hosting a book display at the venue and are pleased to offer delegates a special Conference Discount for selected books available here: