Doctoral School

Geography Days Doctoral School 8.11.2023
The Maantieteen Päivät Doctoral school intensive course will be held on the 8.11.2023 at 13:00-18:00
Location: University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus, Metria Building, room M109
Theories, methods, data…WTF!
2 op/ECTS
The aim of the 2023 Geography Days Doctoral School is to give students the chance to present and get feedback on one of the most challenging, and yet essential, components of their thesis work. For many students, exploring, unraveling, and developing a coherent theoretical and/or methodological/data basis for their doctoral project with new theory or data-driven approaches can be an overwhelming task. Rapidly developing fields in geography, such as big data, AI, image and graph analysis, etc., require new skills and understanding – so let’s WTF (Widen The Focus)! The full exploitation and avoiding of the pitfalls of new approaches and possibilities need experiences to be accumulated and results shared to the community of researchers. With the help of our invited Geography Days speakers and UEF staff, we will try to simplify this by providing relevant presentations and constructive feedback on your own work.
Doctoral school speakers:
Rob Kitchin, Maynooth University and Eric Delmelle, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte & University of Eastern Finland.
Participating students are asked to provide the doctoral school organisors with:
- Title of their presentation
- A piece of their relevant work (part of thesis, article, idea paper, 1 – max. 5 pages) that they want to discuss
Both should be send latest by 10.10.2023 to Olli Lehtonen (
The school has a limit of 16 participants and information on acceptance to the course will be announce by 12.10.2023 via e-mail. Presentations should be 15-20 minutes. Doctoral school is free but if the participants also want to participate in Maantieteen Päivät 2023 on the following days, they must register separately.
Course schedule:
13:00-13:05 Welcome
13:05-13:30 First presentation and discussion (Rob Kitchin)
13:30-14:00 Second presentation and discussion (Eric Delmelle)
14:00-15:00 PhD Session I
15:00-15:30 Coffee
15:30-16:30 PhD session II
16:30-16:45 break
16:45-17:45 PhD session III
17:45-18:00 Final discussion
18:30-20:00 Doctoral school dinner (Kerubi)
20:00- Unformal get-together at Kerubi – everyone participating in MTP2023 is welcome to join!