
8:30 Registration and coffee
9:00 Welcome words: State of the (emergency) of brain health – high potential for RDI – Eero Rissanen, Neurocenter Finland

1st Morning session: Skills and Business Perspective to enhance RDI (Chair: Hannaneh Moradi)
9:15 To be confirmed – Kaija Savolainen, Finland Chamber of Commerce
9:30 UEF Business School view, how to bridge research to business and match skills and demand – Piritta Parkkari, UEF

9:45 Break, snack and networking

2nd Morning session: Researchers, student, and company expert presentations – Views from the different fields (Chair: Meheli Banerjee)
10:15 Neuroinnovation Doctoral Program – Hannaneh Moradi, UEF Business School, Kuopio Brain&Mind
10:30 2 x Neuroscience M.Sc program student talk: Joining the Finnish academia, experience of an international Human Neuroscience graduate – Hilyatushalihah Kholis Audah, UTU, Turku Brain&Mind and Clinical work and neuroscience, the joys and headaches of being on “Both sides of the fence” – Silja Luotonen
11:00 Career journeys and company collaborative success: Essential skills for professional growth – Henri Autio, BioArctic and Natalia Acosta, Eisai
11:20 Big pharma jobs and roles in Finland – what skills are needed for the successful work? – Elina Jokinen, Novartis

11:40 Facilitated networking followed by lunch

1st Afternoon session R2B, dialogues (Chair: Hannaneh Moradi)
13:00 Career story and Aiforia introduction – Darshan Kumar, Aiforia
13:15 To be confirmed – Prateek Singh, FinnAdvance
13:30 My career story and new waves of collaboration with companies – Eino Solje, UEF
13:45 Career story and company presentation – Päivi Rytkönen, Adamant Health

14:00 Networking and coffee

2nd Afternoon session – Other stakeholders’ presentations (Chair: Meheli Banerjee)
14:25 From awareness to action: My professional journey to support and advocacy for movement disorders – Johanna Reiman, Finnish Movement Disorders Association
14:40 Importance of innovation management and skills for the future RDI, recorded talk – Pauliina Hyrkäs, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
14:55 Skill set required for the future RDI – hard skills in combination AI to be combined to soft skills reflective skills – Risto Ilmoniemi, Aalto University
15:10 Wrap up
15:25 Event ends

15:45 Olvi Foundation Neurochallenge 2024 with Savonia starts