Antti Rissanen: From Equations to Expertise: Mastering the Art of Ballistics

Aika: Pe 1.11. 14.05-14.30

Paikka: M110 Metria

Esittäjän affiliaatio: Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu

Muu tekijät: Totti Laitinen, Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu


To improve the teaching of ballistics, a new method was applied to the NDU’s special course for postgraduate or professional studies. This method focuses on translating theory into practical knowledge and the wisdom of the subject. Traditional ballistic education is theory oriented with complex mathematical methods, but in this course new approach has been taken. Theoretical approach has not been forgotten, and is reminded during the course, but at majority it has been replaced by practicality. Practical aspects of the field were highlighted by knowledgeable teachers and by constantly involving students during lectures. As teachers, we are interested in the phenomenon and its connections from chemistry up to statistical mathematics (probability). Significant number of excursions to field activity is included to reinforce knowledge learned in the classroom. With practical aspect students get more comprehensive view for the phenomena. In addition to the standard evaluation, the course grade also included a written assignment on one chosen topic. This assignment enhanced the student learning on a detailed specific case of their own interest. Student assessment was used to improve and develop the course further.
As such, we would like to emphasize phenomenon-based teaching, with practical aspect in the mind.