Hanna Viitala: Collaborative problem solving and mathematics-related affect

Time: Nov 1, 8.55-9.20

Room: M105 Metria

Affiliation of presenter: University of Helsinki


In Finland, lower secondary pupils are known for the descending trend of their mathematics performance and having low affect in mathematics. Together these trends influence pupils’ further studies and their abilities to make decisions as future citizens. In a pursue to influence these trends, a 1-year collaborative problem-solving intervention was implemented in lower secondary mathematics classrooms during the academic year 2019-2020. Systematic and frequent use of collaborative problem solving as the main teaching and learning method was selected since it has found to have positive impact on pupils’ affect, as well as social and cognitive development. The data were collected through mathematics performance tests and affect questionnaires. In this presentation, the results of the problem-solving intervention are presented through the development of pupils’ mathematics-related affect. More closely, we will look at the development of pupils’ views of themselves as learners of mathematics through pupils’ view of their ability, effort, enjoyment, difficulty, and success in mathematics. The overall results can be characterised as positive, though through neutral or even negative results.