
NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) G6206, Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme
Resilience as a deterrence strategy: Towards a comprehensive security panorama
Joensuu, Finland, October 1-3, 2024
Unless specified otherwise, all sessions will take place in room AU100, Aurora, University of Eastern Finland
We reserve the right to change this programme!

Day 1 | Tue Oct 1
10:30-12:00 Pre-event (in Finnish)
Inhimillinen turvallisuus ilmasto- ja ympäristökriisissä [Human security in the climate and environmental crisis]
11:00- Registration
12:00-13:00 light lunch (for speakers)
13:00-14:00 Opening
- Prof. Jussi P. Laine, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland
- Prof. Jukka Mönkkönen, Rector, University of Eastern Finland
- Mr. Ettore Marchesoni, Advisor and Programme Manager, Science for Peace and Security Programme, Innovation, Hybrid & Cyber Division, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Greetings from the border
Colonel Matti Pitkäniitty, Commander of the North Karelia Border Guard District
14:00-15:15 Keynotes
- “Ritual deterrence: NATO and its eastern flank”
Prof. Maria Mälksoo, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark - Eurasia or ‘Greater Eurasia’? Russia’s shifting geo-strategic imaginaries for NATO
Prof. Mark Bassin, Södertörn University, Sweden
15:15-15:30 Agenda setting icebreaker: Interactive opinion poll
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:30 Interactive Roundtable 1: Towards a new European security landscape
Moderator: Prof. Jussi P. Laine, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland
- Lessons from failed conjectures of Russian politics in the 2020s
Prof. Bo Petersson, Department of Global Political Studies Malmö University, Sweden - Strengthening Resilience against Russia’s Hybrid Threats and Warfare
Dr. Rainer-Elk Anders, Bath Spa University, UK - Predicting the unpredictability of a thwarted great power: Russia’s behaviour in its immediate neighbourhood
Prof. Jeremy Smith, University of Eastern Finland: - Fear factor? Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the changed attitudes towards NATO in Finland
Dr. Veera Laine, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland - Security and democracy in the context of non-military/hybrid warfare and the new security landscape
Dr. Ingrid Vik, UTSYN – Centre for Security and Resilience, Norway
Open discussion
Interactive poll
17:30-17:40 Day 1 Wrap-up
19:00 Welcome Reception (by invitation only)
Day 2 | Wed Oct 2
09:00-9:50 Keynote: “Russia and hybrid warfare: Beyond the label”
Dr. Hanna Smith, Senior Strategic Advisor to the Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperationin Europe (OSCE)
Open discussion
9:50-10:00 Refreshment break
10:00-11:30 Panel 1: Looming security developments
Chair: Prof. Bo Petersson, Department of Global Political Studies Malmö University, Sweden
- New security challenges in the post-Soviet space: reading between the lines
Prof. Akihiro Iwashita, the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan - From conflict to cooperation: what can be learned from Russia’s relationship with China
Dr. Paul Richardson, University of Birmingham, UK - Central Asia’s role in securing NATO’s eastern border in East-West trafficking networks
Dr. Paul Fryer, University of Eastern Finland - Divisions, passages and thresholds in European borderlands: Anthropological perspectives on new risks and ambivalences
Dr. Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, European University Viadrina, Germany - The Politics of embodied encounters in asylum seeking
Dr. Gintarė Kudžmaitė, Tampere University, Finland
11:30-12:00 Brainstorming
Russia has been defined as “the most significant and direct” threat to the alliance. What are the practical implications of this? What does this mean to the neighbouring states?
Opening statement: Senior Analyst Maarten ten Wolde, The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
Interactive poll and open discussion
12:00-12:20 Introduction to Kelluu Airships, COO Jiri Jormakka
12:20-13:30 Lunch and Kelluu‘s airship flyover (weather permitting)
Lunch coupons for speakers (restaurant Aura); self-paid for non-speaking participants
13:30-15:00 Panel 2: Way forward for NATO: challenges ahead
Chair: Dr. Rainer-Elk Anders, Bath Spa University, UK
- NATO’s collective identity following Russian invasion of Ukraine
Dr. Johanna Vuorelma, Centre for European Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland - War and society in a hyper-connected world: challenges for NATO
Dr. Matthew Ford, Department of War Studies and Military History, Swedish Defense University - The role of NATO in the trust building with its neighbours
Dr. Katarzyna Stokłosa, Centre for Border Region Studies, University of Southern Denmark - Hungary’s seesaw policy in NATO – with what effects?
Dr. Péter Balogh, HUN-REN CERS IRS and Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary - Poland becoming a military superpower: Implications for NATO
Dr. Monika Sus, Hertie School, Berlin, Germany and Team Europe Direct Poland
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:20 (Reverse) Brainstorming
What challenges must NATO overcome to stay apace and ahead with the security developments? What role does border(studies) have in building security and resilience?
> Result validation: interactive virtual poll (all attendees)
16:20-16:30 Technical break
16:30-17:30 Extra session: Security Cluster in the City of Joensuu
Moderator: Seppo Tossavainen, Head of Economic and International Affairs, City of Joensuu
- Kelluu Airships to collect data for better security: Jiri Jormakka, Kelluu Oy, COO.
- Photonics enables effective border surveillance: Timo Vuorenpää, Peak PC Oy, CEO
- What is the new in the New Defence: Jarmo Puputti, Digital Defence Ecosystem in Finland, CEO
19:00- Dinner reception
hosted by the City of Joensuu
Joensuu Art Museum (all registered guests)
Day 3 | Thu Oct 3
09:00-10:30 Panel 3: Security. Cooperation. Governance: Neighbours’ views
Chair: Dr. Joni Virkkunen, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland
- Russia and the Transnistrian separatism in the Republic of Moldova: geopolitical, military and energetic implications
Dr. Octavian Ţicu, Researcher Coordinator, Institute of History, Moldova State University / Associate Professor, University of Bucharest - Shrinking borderlands under surveillance: Technological and communal aspects to border security
Prof. Eiki Berg, University of Tartu, Estonia - The war did (not) change that: Continuity and change in Russia’s foreign policy after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine
Dr. Damian Strycharz, Cracow University of Economics, Poland - Building Effective Deterrence: Examples from the Norway-Russia border
Dr. Bjarge Schwenke Fors, The Barents Institute, The Arctic University of Norway - Russia-Ukraine war and evolving security dilemma of Central and Eastern Europe
Dr. Tomasz Stępniewski, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland; Team Europe Direct and Institute of Central Europe in Lublin
10:30-10:45 Refreshment break
10:45-12:15 Interactive brainstorming roundtable
How has Russia increased its hybrid threat activities in the neighbouring/NATO countries because of its war in Ukraine? What role for border security in building resilience towards hostile hybrid threats emanating from Russia?
Facilitators: Prof. Élisabet Vallet, Royal Military College Saint-Jean & University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada and Prof. Jussi P. Laine, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland
Statements by
- Managing Irregular Cross-Border Movements: The Morocco-Spain Approach
Prof. Said Saddiki, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco - Borderlands and the potential long-term consequences of the war in Ukraine: The case of Hungary
Dr. Sara Svensson, Halmstad University, Sweden - Ukraine at War: Resilience and Normative Agency
Dr. Yuliia Kurnyshova, University of Copenhagen, Denmark - Patterns in Nascent, Ascendant and Mature Border Security: Regional comparisons
Prof. Todd Hataley, Sir Sanford Fleming College, Canada - Framing Entangled Borders in the Baltic States
MSSc Sandra Charlotta Hagelin, University of Tartu, Estonia
> Open discussion
> Interactive poll
12:15-13:20 Lunch
Lunch coupons for speakers; self-paid for non-speaking participants
13:20-15:00 Panel: Human aspects of security: building local resilience
Chair: Prof. Jopi Nyman, University of Eastern Finland
- The role of refugee women in enhancing awareness of security developments and building resilience
Prof. Nurcan Özgür Baklacioğlu, Department of Political Sciences and International Relations, Istanbul University, Turkey - Return policies from a security perspective: Ukrainian war migrants and Nordic host societies
Dr. Olga Filippova, University of Eastern Finland / V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Dr. Oleksandra Deineko, NIBR, OsloMet University / V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine - Finland’s Russian-speaking immigrants’ securitized transnational connections and feelings of insecurity
Prof. Olga Davydova-Minguet, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland - A Safe Haven? Ukraine’s western border regions since the full-scale Russian invasion
Dr. Tatiana Zhurzhenko, ZOiS – Centre for East European and International Studies, Berlin, Germany - The Polish-Ukrainian border prior and after February 2022: Ups and downs in a socio-cultural perspective”
Dr. Marcin Dębicki, University of Wrocław, Poland - Developing a life satisfaction index in Slovak-Ukrainian borderlands
Dr. Martin Lačný, University of Prešov, Slovakia
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:15 Roundtable: New Security considerations – how to prepare for the unpredictable?
Facilitator: Prof. Jussi P. Laine, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland
- Prof. Élisabet Vallet, Royal Military College Saint-Jean & University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
- Prof. Maria Mälksoo, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Dr. Joni Virkkunen, University of Eastern Finland
- Prof. Bo Petersson, Department of Global Political Studies Malmö University, Sweden
> Questions to the panellist: what could alliance do better to build effective deterrence? How to enhance early warning with a view to preventing crises?
> Interactive exercise
> Prioritization poll
16:15-16:30 Conclusions and next steps
Prioritization of the recommendations
16:30– Apéritif
Restaurant Aura