Ohjelman avausseminaari järjestetään Tampereen yliopistossa 20.-21.1.2025.
Launch of Sustainability Transformations doctoral education pilot
Time: 20.-21.1.2025, hosted by Tampere University with UEF SusTra
Location Monday: Tampere University, City centre campus, street address Kalevantie 4, Tampere
Location Tuesday: Tampere University, Hervanta campus, street address Korkeakoulunkatu 7, Tampere
Targeted for all involved in SusTra (doctoral researchers, supervisors, mentors, partners)
Pre-event: 11.00-12.00 Lunch at YO Ravintola, Main building, Kalevantie 4, Tampere
Lunch cabinet “229” reserved for SusTra. Lunch at own cost.
12.15 Welcome to SusTra launch
Location: Auditorium A1 (2nd floor), Main building, Kalevantie 4
12.15 Welcome to Tampere University / Vice president for Research Tapio Visakorpi, TAU
12.20 Creating transformative sustainability together / Professors Johanna Kujala & Leena Aarikka-Stenroos, TAU/SusTra
12.35 What is SusTra? About our joint goals and activities / Professor Arto O. Salonen & research manager Meri Löyttyniemi, UEF SusTra
13.00 Impact through collaboration
- Finnish Environment Institute Syke – Towards a sustainability transformation with applied and transdisciplinary research / Unit director Riikka Paloniemi, Research director Eeva Primmer
- The Nessling Foundation – Speeding up the sustainability transformation / Impact specialist Enni Sahlman
- UniPID – Finnish University Partnership for International Development / Director Kaisa E. Kurki, UH
- The Finnish Nature Panel (Luontopaneeli) / Chair, professor Janne Kotiaho, JyU
- The Expert Panel on Sustainable Development (Kestävyyspaneeli) Member, university lecturer Katriina Siivonen, UTU
- Finnish Scientific Community United: A Declaration for Sustainability Transformation / Knowledge broker Linda Lammensalo, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Suomalainen tiedeakatemia)
SusTra collaborates also with Nyyti ry/peer mentoring, FiBS ry/Finnish Business & Society, Sitra/Finnish Innovation Fund, EK/Finnish Confederation of Industries and YM/Ministry of Environment.
13.50 About the programme / Doctoral researchers Inka Lappalainen & Emma Nykänen, Tampere University/SusTra
14.00-14.30 Coffee break
14.30-16.20 Programme continues – Introducing SusTra doctoral researchers and their universities
Joint presentations by each university / doctoral researchers and professors of SusTra Universities: Aalto, HY, JyU, LY, LUT, OY, TY, VY, UEF, TAU + others
16.20-16.30 Sustainability initiatives in the Prime Minister´s Office and Expert panel on Sustainable Development (Kestävyyspaneeli) / Chief specialist Eeva Furman
16.30 Vegan buffet by Juvenes, Café Aula & Toivo, located just next to the auditorium A1
18.00 Tarinateatteri, Playback Theatre
19.00 Mingling, drinks
20.00 Seminar continues on Tuesday morning in Hervanta
Targeted mainly for SusTra doctoral researchers & supervisors
Location: Tampere University, Hervanta campus, Kampusareena Auditorium A223, address Korkeakoulunkatu 7, Tampere
9.00-12.00 Deep dive into the SusTra research subjects
9.00 Welcome to Hervanta campus and about the programme today / Arto, Meri, Emma & Inka
9.05-10.05 Inspirational speech by Ira Virtanen, UEF University Lecturer in researchers’ well-being, mentoring and supervision
10.05-10.15 Instructions / Arto O. Salonen & co.
10.15-12.00 Presenting your own PhD topic, group work
Auditorium A223 + class rooms A213 Sitsi (pax 8), A226 Teekkari (10), A229 Wappu (7), A229A Kyykkä (7), A229B Hauki (7) and A229C Härveli (7)
12.00 Lunch at Reaktori, Kampusareena 2nd floor, Korkeakoulunkatu 7. Lunch at own cost.
13.00 Bye bye – until next time!
Registration is closed. Kindly contact meri.loyttyniemi @ uef.fi if you would like to register, or in case of cancellations. Seminar fee 100 € will be charged from SusTra doctoral researchers and supervisors. Mentors and partners (2 per organization) without a fee, except lunches.