Prix Sud 2019
A research project on decent work mobilizes research teams from four universities of three countries: University Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Burkina Faso), University Norbert Zongo (Burkina Faso), University of Lausanne (Switzerland), and University of Lomé (Togo) On October 1st, 2019, the r4d project “Adapting and strengthening educational guidance and career counseling to promote decent work in two […]
Acceptance of the University of Mons as a member of the UNITWIN-Network
University of Mons in the UNITWIN network “Life Designing Interventions (counselling, guidance, education) for decent work and sustainable development” Following the visit of Professor Jean Guichard (CNAM; first holder of the UNESCO Chair for Lifelong Guidance) at UMONS, as part of a Francqui Chair in early 2018, the Methodology and Training Department team, directed by […]
International scientific seminar
International scientific seminar This network was created as part of the UNITWIN/Chairs UNESCO program. It brings together 19 universities from around the world (Europe, South America, North America and Africa) that cooperate to promote access to decent work and decent life through vocational guidance, career counseling and life designing. In order to achieve this, this […]
The 8th World Sustainability Forum: Call for participation
The World Sustainability Forum 2020 will take place from 14 to 19 September 2020 at the International Conference Center Geneva in Switzerland. The organizers of the WSF2020 are looking for participations. They seek proposals for sessions, and for presentations of papers and posters on sustainable development that are policy-relevant, change-oriented, and inter- or trans-disciplinary. The […]
One-Day International Conference “Decent Work and Aging: Prevention Perspectives”
This international event is one of a series of events already realized and also planned in the future in Florence in terms of One-Day International Conference. This second Florentine international event is titled “Decent Work and Aging: Prevention Perspectives” and scheduled in Florence on November the 26th, 2019. It is organized mainly in the framework […]
One-Day International Conference “Promoting Decent work: the challenge of a primary prevention perspective” September 5th 2019 Florence
This Florentine international event is organized in the framework of the UNITWIN network in collaboration with the University of Wroclaw and in the framework of IAAP (International Association of Applied Association) Division 1 and in relation to the International Special Project titled “Promoting Decent Work for all”: This One-Day International Conference is titled “Promoting Decent […]
New publications
We are pleased to present new publications: Blustein, D.L., Kenny, M. E., Di Fabio, A., & Guichard, J. (2019). Expanding the impact of the psychology of working: Engaging psychology in the struggle for decent work and human rights. Journal of Career Assessment, 27, 3-28; doi: 10.1177/1069072718774002 Di Fabio, A., & Kenny, M. E. (2019). Decent Work in Italy: […]
Annual members UniTwin meeting
The UniTwin Network met on the 2nd July 2019 in Moscow. The minutes of the UniTwin Network meeting are avaible in the following document : Minutes of Unitwin UNESCO network meeting (PDF)
Indigenised Career Management Interventions for Youth and Adults: The merSETA Project
Integrative group life design-based interventions provide the theoretical and conceptual background for this project. An integrative, non-experimental group design will be used in Phase 1 to gather data from each of the five Manufacturing and Engineering Related (MER) sub-sectors (pilot project). The aims of Phase 1 of the project are to firstly, establish tentatively the […]
UNESCO call for contributions
UNESCO is initiating an ambitious project on the Futures of Education which aims to generate an agenda for global action and debate on learning and knowledge for the future of humanity and of the planet in a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and precariousness. Here, you can find the call for contributions the call for […]