One-Day International Conference “Promoting Decent work: the challenge of a primary prevention perspective” September 5th 2019 Florence
This Florentine international event is organized in the framework of the UNITWIN network in collaboration with the University of Wroclaw and in the framework of IAAP (International Association of Applied Association) Division 1 and in relation to the International Special Project titled “Promoting Decent Work for all”: This One-Day International Conference is titled “Promoting Decent […]
New publications
We are pleased to present new publications: Blustein, D.L., Kenny, M. E., Di Fabio, A., & Guichard, J. (2019). Expanding the impact of the psychology of working: Engaging psychology in the struggle for decent work and human rights. Journal of Career Assessment, 27, 3-28; doi: 10.1177/1069072718774002 Di Fabio, A., & Kenny, M. E. (2019). Decent Work in Italy: […]
Annual members UniTwin meeting
The UniTwin Network met on the 2nd July 2019 in Moscow. The minutes of the UniTwin Network meeting are avaible in the following document : Minutes of Unitwin UNESCO network meeting (PDF)