Call for AJCD manuscripts
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Please find the website URL to the 2021 Call for Manuscripts for the third (special) issue of the African Journal of Career Development (flagship publication of the South African Career Development Association). The issue is entitled “Promoting career development: Managing challenges and exploiting opportunities associated with the Covid-19 pandemic” […]
Special issue of Emerging adulthood – Fall 2021
The Unitwin network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professors Valérie Cohen-Scali, Gabriela Aisenson and Donna San Antonio are co-editing a special issue of Emerging Adulthood in Fall 2021. Professor Ronald Sultana will write the Conclusion. All of the following articles have now appeared online. Emerging Job Precariousness: Work Experiences and Expectations […]
Professor Jean Guichard’s news
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professor Jean Guichard recently gave three conferences held in Venise-Mestre (Italy) , Marseille (France) and Paris (France). Please, find attached the links to the conferences PDF files. Venise, December 13, 2019 was entitled Orientamento 4.0. La “Career Education” per la costruzione del successo […]
New publication – Piorunek M., Kozielska J., Drabik-Podgórna V., Podgórny M.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. A publication entitled Postmodern market scenarios and career patterns: Challenges for education has been published in the African Journal of Career Development. ISSN: (Online) 2617-7471. Here is how the authors describe their work. This article grows out from the realization that global crises caused […]
New publication – Kozielska J.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Doctor Joanna Kozielska recently published an article entitled Vocational school is (not) OK? Vocational school in middle school students’ opinions vs. educational-vocational choices with regard to the situation on the labour market. Here is how the author describes her work. The text is […]
New publication – Piorunek M.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professor Magdalena Piorunek recently published an article entitled Career in the narratives of early adolescents. Here is how the author describes her work. In the paper “Career in the narratives of early adolescents” I set out to describe the selected aspects of constructing […]
Upcoming conference – december 9, 2020
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. The Catholic University of the West (Angers, France) is organizing a conference on professional ethics on December 9, 2020 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. The latter will be broadcast live via Teams software from the Diès amphitheater (which we hope will be […]
Professor Sultana’s new publications
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professor Sultana’s paper titled “For a postcolonial turn in career guidance: The dialectic between universalisms and localisms” has just appeared in the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling ( Furthermore, another volume in the EMCER series with Brill (previously SENSE) has just been […]
Professor Ronald Sultana’s news
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professor Ronald Sultana has given three online invited keynote addresses to conferences in Slovakia, Reykjavik, and the Région Académique Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, focusing, respectively, on “Client voice in service design and delivery: progressive or problematic?” (October 1st), “Career guidance for those rendered vulnerable: a […]
One-day Virtual International Conference
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. A ONE-DAY VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE entitled “Decent Work and Healthy Organizations: Job Crafting as a New Challenge” was held by the University of Florence (Italy). For more information about the conclusions of the day, please contact Madam Professor Annamaria Di Fabio at the […]