Call for Manuscripts for a Special Issue Call of the AJCD
The Unitwin network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Theme: Promoting career development: Managing challenges and exploiting opportunities associated with the Covid-19 pandemic The Editor-in-Chief of the African Journal of Career Development (AJCD) invites you to submit your latest research towards the latest special issue. Please submit your proposal by no later than 30 April […]
AJCD accepted into the DOAJ
The unitwin network is pleased to provide you with the following information. The African Journal of Career Development (AJCD), of which prof. Kobus Maree is the editor-in-Chief, has been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The journal is now appearing in a DHET approved index and will therefore be added to the […]
New publication – Vehviläinen, S., Souto, AM
The Unitwin network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Sanna Vehviläinen and Anne-Mari Souto published an article entitled How does career guidance at schools encounter migrant young people? Interactional practices that hinder socially just guidance. Please, find attached the reference and the link to the article. Vehviläinen, S., Souto, AM. How does […]
Nouvelle formation UCO
Le réseau Unitwin a le plaisir de vous faire parvenir L’Université catholique de l’Ouest organise un nouveau D.U. Doctoral et Professionnel en Psychologie en deux parcours : Psychologie clinique d’une part, Psychologie sociale et du travail d’autre part. Veuillez trouver ci-joint le fascicule informatif.
Colloque – UDESCA
Le réseau Unitwin a le plaisir de vous faire part de l’information suivante. Le colloque interdisciplinaire d’anthropologie prospective de l’UDESCA intitulé « L’avenir – Critique, résistance, utopie » aur lieu les 24 et 25 mars prochains. Ce colloque a lieu entièrement en distanciel et il est possible de s’inscrire gratuitement en ligne : La soirée du 24 […]
New book – Ronald Sultana
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Prof. Ronald Sultana has published a book on aging, filiation, the pandemic, and memory through a father and son narrative dialogue. Here is how the author describe his work: One of the major impacts of the COVID-19 has been enforced social and physical […]
5th National Scientific Conference
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Unitwin Members from Poznań (Poland) are planning the 5th National Scientific Conference: Help – social support – counseling, Between theory and practice of supporting an individual in personal life, education and work on March 25, 2021. The conference will be held remotely and […]
Special Event – SACCP 2021
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. On March 19, 2021 the second Bi-Annual SA Career Development Practitioners Congress will be held. Even though there will be a gathering of leading specialists, participation is free of charge! Please, find the URL attached:
Call for manuscripts – Revue Questions d’orientation
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Mesdames Emilie Carosin, Ph.D. (Université de Mons, Belgique) et Delphine Riccio, psychologue invitent les collègues francophones à proposer des articles pour le numéro de la revue Questions d’orientation qui paraîtra à la rentrée prochaine. C’est une bonne occasion de faire le lien avec […]
Call for manuscripts – AJCD
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Please find the website URL to the 2021 Call for Manuscripts for the third (special) issue of the African Journal of Career Development (flagship publication of the South African Career Development Association). The issue is entitled “Promoting career development: Managing challenges and exploiting opportunities associated with the Covid-19 pandemic” […]