UniTwin annual meeting
The UniTwin network is pleased to provide you with the following information. On Friday 18 June, the annual meeting of the UniTwin network members took place. The conference lasted four hours and was rich in content. Many proposals were made for the network to flourish in the future. The two new scientific coordinators are Professors […]
Ronald Sultana’s manifesto
The UniTwin network is pleased to share you the following information. You may wish to watch and disseminate this 6-minute visual meditation on the theme of equity, diversity and inclusion:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo0NmrcEYLs&t=1s This is Ronald Sultana’s reflection on a Manifesto that was launched by Professors Laura Nota and Salvatore Soresi from the University of Padova (Italy).The Manifesto for Inclusion represents ideas […]