New book – Ronald Sultana
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Prof. Ronald Sultana has published a book on aging, filiation, the pandemic, and memory through a father and son narrative dialogue. Here is how the author describe his work: One of the major impacts of the COVID-19 has been enforced social and physical […]
5th National Scientific Conference
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Unitwin Members from Poznań (Poland) are planning the 5th National Scientific Conference: Help – social support – counseling, Between theory and practice of supporting an individual in personal life, education and work on March 25, 2021. The conference will be held remotely and […]
Special Event – SACCP 2021
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. On March 19, 2021 the second Bi-Annual SA Career Development Practitioners Congress will be held. Even though there will be a gathering of leading specialists, participation is free of charge! Please, find the URL attached:
Call for manuscripts – Revue Questions d’orientation
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Mesdames Emilie Carosin, Ph.D. (Université de Mons, Belgique) et Delphine Riccio, psychologue invitent les collègues francophones à proposer des articles pour le numéro de la revue Questions d’orientation qui paraîtra à la rentrée prochaine. C’est une bonne occasion de faire le lien avec […]
Call for manuscripts – AJCD
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Please find the website URL to the 2021 Call for Manuscripts for the third (special) issue of the African Journal of Career Development (flagship publication of the South African Career Development Association). The issue is entitled “Promoting career development: Managing challenges and exploiting opportunities associated with the Covid-19 pandemic” […]
Call for papers – Symposium
The UniTwin Network is pleased to inform you of the call for papers for the multidisciplinary symposium entitled “To accompany the professionalization of the student and the development of the courses. Hybrid, modularized, tutored devices ” to be held on April 15 and 16, 2021, at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest in Angers (France). It […]
Call for IJEVG manuscript
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Special issue call for manuscripts by the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance entitled “Life design interventions for decent work and sustainable development“, edited by Meenakshi Chhabra, Lesley University (United States), Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro, University of São Paulo (Brazil) and Jérôme Rossier, University of […]
New Publication – Cohen Scali
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Valérie Cohen Scali recently directed the publication of a book entitled Psychologie de l’orientation tout au long de la vie. Many authors of the network are also involved in this work among others (Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas • Jean-Luc Bernaud • Thierry Berthet • Jean- […]
New publication – Masdonati J., Massoudi K., & Rossier, J.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Jonas Masdonati, Koorosh Massoudi and Jérôme Rossier recently published an open access book entitled Repères pour l’orientation. Here is how the authors describe their work. Increasingly complex, demanding and uncertain, contemporary career paths pose unprecedented challenges to the psychology of counselling and guidance. […]
New publication – Heslon, C.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Christian Heslon recently published an article entitled Après le coronavirus : quels avenirs pour l’orientation et la formation tout au long des nouvelles vies adultes ? Les cinquante-cinq jours de confinement, entre télétravail et inactivité, et le déconfinement très progressif, ont mis en […]