New presentation – Sultana R. G.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Ronald G. Sultana made a presentation at the latest EuroGuidance cross-border conference on “Client voice in service design and delivery: progressive or problematic ?”. Please find the YouTube link attached.
New publication – San Antonio D. M.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professor Donna Marie San Antonio recently published an article online. It is based on a project initiated by prof. Valérie Cohen-Scali and it will be a Special Issue next year. San Antonio D. M., Kaplan-Bucciarelli J. (2020). Possibility and constraint in the lives […]
New books – Maree J. G.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Jacobus Gideon Maree has recently published the third edition of his book entitled “First steps in research” as well as an unpublished book entitled “Innovating counselling for self- and career construction: Connecting conscious knowledge with subconscious insight”. Please find find the front covers […]
New communications – Heslon, C.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Papers from two symposia are now available. Please find the free pdf. and download link attached. Heslon, C., “Les nouveaux âges de la vie adulte”. Cycles et âges de la vie. Enjeux individuels, groupaux, institutionnels.. octobre 2020, Tours (report Orléans, mai 2021), 2020. […]
NICE Handbook
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. The second Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE) Handbook, entitled “European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners” (2016) has now been released as an open access publication. The handbook presents the European Competence Standards of […]
New publication – Di Fabio, A., & Rosen, M. A.
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Professor Annamaria Di Fabio recently published an article. Di Fabio, A., & Rosen, M. A. (2020). An exploratory study of a new psychological instrument for evaluating sustainability: The Sustainable Development Goals Psychological Inventory. Sustainability MDPI, 12; doi:10.3390/su12187617. Please find the link to the article […]
Call for AJCD manuscript
The Unitwin Network is pleased to provide you with the following information. Special issue call for manuscripts by the African Journal of Career Development titled “Postmodernising career development to enhance people’s ability to negotiate multiple career-related transitions”, edited by Professor Jacobus Gideon (Kobus) Maree (UniversityPretoria, South Africa). The submission is due on March 31st 2020. […]
Ronald G. Sultana was awarded honorary doctorate
The University of Laval has awarded Ronald G. Sultana the distinction of honorary doctorate. You can find more information on this website:
Work. Democratize. Decommodify. Remediate.
A petition was published by #democratizingwork in May 2020. Its theme is: “Let us fool ourselves no longer: left to their own devices, most capital investors will not care for the dignity of labor investors; nor will they lead the fight against environmental catastrophe. Another option is available. Democratize firms; decommodify work; stop treating human […]
Call for papers IJVEG
Call for manuscripts for a special issue titled “Life Designing Interventions (counseling, guidance, education) for decent work and sustainable development” in the International Journal for Education and Vocational Guidance (IJVEG), edited by Professor Meenakshi Chhabra (Lesley University, United States), Professor Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Professor Jérôme Rossier (University of Lausanne, […]