Ecological crisis – Anthropological crisis
In a tribute to Lucien Sève (deceased from Covid-19) who linked ecological cause and anthropological cause (notably in Saving the human race, not only the planet (*) published by Le Monde Diplomatique), Jean Guichard wrote a short text entitled Ecological crisis – Anthropological crisis (**). Guichard argues that the destruction of the environment (devastation of […]
L’ouvrage REPÈRES POUR L’ORIENTATION, publié sous la direction de Jonas Masdonati, Koorosh Massoudi et Jérôme Rossier (Université de Lausanne), est paru en version Open Access aux éditions Antipodes. Il peut être téléchargé gratuitement via le lien suivant:
International Scientific Seminar
On the 6 March, the UniTwin international network organized a day of presentations open to the public at the University of Lausanne. During this day, the members of the network gave symposiums, conferences and did a roundtable. The thematic of this day was the role of vocational counseling to promote access to sustainable careers.
Call for Manuscripts AJCD
Call for manuscripts for a special issue titled « Postmodernising career development to enhance people’s ability to negotiate multiple career-related transitions » in the African Journal of Career Development (AJCD), edited by Prof. Jacobus Gideon (Kobus) Maree. They are looking for innovative micro-, meso- and macro-interventions that use career development to promote and enhance people’s […]
Humanistic Futures of Learning
Participating in educational progress is one of UNESCO’s fundamental missions. The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme brings together more than 700 higher education and research institutions around the world to pool intellectual and material resources and to advance knowledge and ideas in a multicultural and interdisciplinary context. As a member of the UNITWIN network, CePCO is particularly […]
Prix Sud 2019
A research project on decent work mobilizes research teams from four universities of three countries: University Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Burkina Faso), University Norbert Zongo (Burkina Faso), University of Lausanne (Switzerland), and University of Lomé (Togo) On October 1st, 2019, the r4d project “Adapting and strengthening educational guidance and career counseling to promote decent work in two […]
Acceptance of the University of Mons as a member of the UNITWIN-Network
University of Mons in the UNITWIN network “Life Designing Interventions (counselling, guidance, education) for decent work and sustainable development” Following the visit of Professor Jean Guichard (CNAM; first holder of the UNESCO Chair for Lifelong Guidance) at UMONS, as part of a Francqui Chair in early 2018, the Methodology and Training Department team, directed by […]
International scientific seminar
International scientific seminar This network was created as part of the UNITWIN/Chairs UNESCO program. It brings together 19 universities from around the world (Europe, South America, North America and Africa) that cooperate to promote access to decent work and decent life through vocational guidance, career counseling and life designing. In order to achieve this, this […]
The 8th World Sustainability Forum: Call for participation
The World Sustainability Forum 2020 will take place from 14 to 19 September 2020 at the International Conference Center Geneva in Switzerland. The organizers of the WSF2020 are looking for participations. They seek proposals for sessions, and for presentations of papers and posters on sustainable development that are policy-relevant, change-oriented, and inter- or trans-disciplinary. The […]
One-Day International Conference “Decent Work and Aging: Prevention Perspectives”
This international event is one of a series of events already realized and also planned in the future in Florence in terms of One-Day International Conference. This second Florentine international event is titled “Decent Work and Aging: Prevention Perspectives” and scheduled in Florence on November the 26th, 2019. It is organized mainly in the framework […]