
I-Café is a serie of seminars on welfare technology conducted by the center among researchers worldwide, all are welcome!

Conference information introduces relevant welfare technology conferences all over the world.

Post Conference

Technological Evolution and the Ageing Era: Exploring Opportunities, Innovations, and Emerging Practices

Aug 05-07, 2024

Joensuu & Kuopio, Finland

We invite submissions for the International Conference on “Technological Evolution and the Ageing Era: Exploring Opportunities, Innovations, and Emerging Practices ” organized by the Department of Social Sciences, Social Research Center for Welfare Technology, University of Eastern Finland.

Conference Theme

The conference is dedicated to nurturing collaboration and innovation within the realm of welfare technology, with a keen emphasis on seizing opportunities, fostering innovative approaches, and instigating new practices. We extend our invitation to researchers, industry luminaries, non-profit organizations, doctoral candidates, and all relevant stakeholders, encouraging a collective exploration, discussion, and advancement of technological solutions aimed at augmenting the well-being of the elderly population.

We welcome submissions of papers across a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:

– Pioneering technologies tailored for old age care

– Digital innovations geared towards enhancing the quality of life in old age

– Assistive technologies designed to aid older adults with cognitive impairments

– Ethical considerations inherent in the development and deployment of welfare technology

– Examination of policy implications and regulatory frameworks within ageing societies

– Case studies and exemplars showcasing best practices in the domain of welfare technology

Your participation and contributions are invaluable as we strive to collectively shape a future where technology serves as a catalyst for improving the lives of our elderly citizens.

From August 5th to 7th, 2024, the Center for Welfare Technology at the University of Eastern Finland, in collaboration with the Gerontechnology Lab at Hefei University of Technology, the Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration Innovation Center, and the Nursing and Innovation Center at Kyungpook National University in Korea, co-hosted the ‘International Conference on Technological Evolution and the Ageing Era 2024.’

This conference, held at the Joensuu and Kuopio campuses of the University of Eastern Finland, attracted academic researchers, industry leaders, non-profit organization staff, and graduate students from Finland, China, the Czech Republic, and Korea. Participants explored and discussed technological solutions aimed at improving the welfare of the elderly. The conference covered multiple academic fields, with experts discussing topics from the perspectives of business management, data science, social sciences, ethics, and education. Key discussions included technology integration, assistive technology practices, technological innovations and interventions, social dynamics in elderly care, as well as empowerment and sustainable development.

Business management is crucial in providing elderly welfare services but faces numerous challenges and risks. The team from Kyungpook National University highlighted how technology startups can enhance their sustainability by strengthening their psychological capital and core competencies. They emphasized the importance of support from external networks and government funding. Meanwhile, the business department at the University of Eastern Finland explored the ethical issues associated with applying technological advances in care. They focused on how “trust” shapes effective cooperation between technology, people, and organizations.

The conference also spotlighted the application of technology in rehabilitation and health monitoring. Four scholars from Hefei University of Technology introduced their research on multimodal fusion methods for depression detection and the use of machine learning in gait prediction and rehabilitation equipment recommendation, showcasing the potential of technology to improve medical device design. Korean scholars demonstrated a new medical information system that assists in monitoring and preventing falls, pressure ulcers, and mental health issues in elderly patients.

The social sciences perspective is vital for understanding the social and cultural impacts of technology in elderly care. Researchers from the University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic presented how the PARO robot can reduce loneliness among the elderly in nursing homes, along with their upcoming experimental design. Additionally, a researcher from the University of Helsinki used data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to reveal the relationship between the use of assistive devices, their chosen types, and the decline in cognitive function among the elderly. A collaborative study between Fudan University and the University of Eastern Finland reviewed the application and effectiveness of assistive technologies in supporting elderly individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of technology.

The practical application of technology in social and community settings was another key focus. A research team from Fudan University studied the decision-making processes in five communities in Shanghai using network analysis methods, discussing power structures at the community level and their impact on policy implementation. They also explored how elderly people in China form co-creation intentions in online communities using mixed research methods.

The use of technology necessitates talent empowerment and sustainable development considerations. The head of the Joensuu Housing Association in Finland introduced a project assessing technology in elderly service housing in Joensuu, demonstrating how the project evaluated the use of technology and enhanced living and care services for the elderly through technological advancements. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland discussed the need to enhance digital competencies among gerontological social workers in China, emphasizing the essential skills and knowledge needed in education and practice.

These insightful presentations provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of how technology can improve the quality of life for the elderly from various perspectives. The conference also included site visits and interactive sessions, offering attendees firsthand experiences of the latest technological advancements. The successful hosting of this conference provided valuable academic and practical resources for addressing global aging issues, fostering international cooperation and knowledge exchange, and offering profound insights into future directions of research and practical applications in elderly welfare technology.


Welfare Technology Innovation and Application in Digital Age

UEF Social Research Center for Welfare Technology and Young Universities for the Future Europe (YUFE) are offering an open source “Welfare Technology Innovation and Application in Digital Age” -course for doctoral students. The course’s aim is to help doctoral students:

  • Understand today and future’s aging population and how technology can enhance health and independence
  • Understand issues surrounding privacy and the ethical protection of the rights of older adults
  • Understand the ways we are and can reinvent fitness, healthcare, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and social networking, especially for older adults.
  • Become familiar with research on various applications, examples, and considerations of gerotechnology, and its relationship with human being
  • Be able to research and evaluate the potential of a specific gerontechnology application for an entrepreneurial business plan according to possible field study and scenario investigations
  • Identify the steps, people, legislation and capital that will be needed to realize services and technologies to accommodate changing needs of older adults
  • Identify how technology can assist care giver networks in maintaining independence in their homes

Sign up for the course in here!

Past Conference:

Dialogue on Education for Smart Healthy Eldercare In Digital Society

Morning Session:Developing a Smart Healthy Eldercare Course
Venue: Hefei University of Technology 合肥工业大学
(20 min for each presentation, 20 min discussion for each session)
9am-9:20pm Opening remark
Wenqing Liu, Rector of Guangdong Open University (20min)

S1 9:20am-10am
Theme: Smart Health Eldercare Curriculum Construction in China中国智慧健康养老专业建设
Moderator: Jing Jin, Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center for Aging Society Technology Innovation

  1. 9:20-9:40 am
    Construction of Smart Healthy Eldercare Services and Management Specialization 智慧健康养老服务与管理专业构建
    Siwei Wang, Guangdong Open University (20min)
    杨礼芳, 广东开放大学

Smart Health Elderly Care Service Training Program Design智慧健康养老服务培训班设计
Yuanyuan Wang, Anhui Medical College (20min)
王元元, 安徽医学高等专科学校

Panel Discussion 圆桌讨论

S2 10:20am-11:20am
Theme: International Experience in the Development of Smart Health Eldercare Curriculum 智慧健康养老课程建设的国际经验

Moderator: Ning An, The Gerontechnology Lab, Hefei University of Technology

3.10:20-10:40am (online) (March 3rd 18:20-18:40pm Los Angeles time)
Curriculum development from A Gerontology Perspective
Aaron Hagedorn, University of Southern California (20min)
Aaron, 美国南加州大学

The Smart Eldercare Course as A General Education Course in University
Jiaoyun Yang, Hefei University of Technology (20min)
杨矫云, 合肥工业大学

Panel Discussion圆桌讨论

Afternoon Session: Digital competencies from an educational perspective
Venue: Anhui Medical College 安徽医学高等专科学校
(20 min for each presentation, 20 min discussion for each session)

S3 14pm-15:20pm
Theme: Pedagogical Foundations in Digital Course Design 主题:技术课程设计的教育基础
Moderator: Honglin Chen 主持人:陈虹霖

  1. 14-14:20pm (online) (8am-8:20am Tampere Time)
    Social Service Students’ Digital Competency 社会服务学生的数字能力
    Sanna Keskikuru, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (20min)
    Sanna, 芬兰坦佩雷应用科技大学
  2. 14:20-14:40pm (online) (8:20am-8:40am Helsinki Time)
    Multidisciplinary Student Digital Competency Initiative 多学科学生的数字能力项目
    Heidi Hintsala, Centria University of Applied Sciences (20min)
    Heidi, 芬兰中央应用科技大学
  3. 14:40-15pm
    Action Research for a Problem-Based Hybrid Undergraduate Course on Smart Eldercare 基于PBL混合形式智慧养老课程的行动研究
    Yaru Li, Anhui Medical College &UEF (20min)

Panel discussion 圆桌讨论

S4 15:20pm-16:40pm
Theme: Technological Pedagogy in Course Implementation & Evaluation主题:技术教育课程实施与评估
Moderator: Yuanyuan Wang 主持人: 王元元

  1. 15:20-15:40pm (online) (8:20-8:40am Ostrava time)
    Digiwell Programme & Social Work Education for Digital Age in Ostrava奥斯特拉瓦的Digiwell项目和数字时代社会工作教育
    Iveta Kowolová & Zuzana Broskevičová, University of Ostrava (20min)
    Iveta& Zuzana, 捷克奥斯特拉瓦大学
  2. 15:40-16pm (online) (8:40-9am Madrid time)
    Spain Digital Social Work Education西班牙大学的社会工作教育
    Antonio López, The National Distance Education University (UNED) (20min)
    Antonio, 西班牙国立远程大学
  3. 16-16:20pm (online) (9-9:20am Innsbruck time)
    Digital Horizons: The Future of Social Work in the Tension Between Technology, Ethics, and Participation数字化视野: 社会工作在技术、伦理和参与之间的张力中的未来
    Robert Koglek, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School (20min)
    Robert, 奧地利 MCI管理中心

Panel discussion 圆桌讨论

S5 16:40pm-17:40pm Seminar session in Chinese 中文研讨部分
Theme: Digital Practice of the MNCIA (multicomponent nonpharmacological cognitive impairment approach ) Workshop “非药可助”工作坊的数字化实践

Topic: What digital competency do social work students need in practice?
Moderator: Honglin Chen, Hui Yang
Panel participants: Gao Qinlin, Wang Jing, Mo Lin, Mi Li, Xiaohui Zhong
崔峥(安徽乐年养老负责人)、傅漠霖(开欣医疗沈阳静安医院临床干预负责人)、高青琳(上海天与养老创新产品部总监)、林良(春暖社会工作机构老年服务负责人)、米丽(乐平基金会银铃项目负责人)、潘渊(合肥天与养老院院长)、汪径 (四川外国语大学社工系教师)、、王斯维(广东开放大学教师)