Keynote speakers at YHYS Colloquium 2023

Ulrich Brand, Professor
Keynote: Eco-social reconstruction as horizon for emancipatory social-ecological transformations
Ulrich Brand, Professor of International Politics at the University of Vienna. He has a Ph.D. from Goethe University Frankfurt/Main and finished successfully his habilitation at the University of Kassel, Germany. He does research and teaches in the areas of critical social theory – particularly regulation theory, state theory, and political ecology – globalization studies, international environmental and resource politics, Latin America, social-ecological transformations, and degrowth.
Together with Markus Wissen he coined the concept “imperial mode of living”. A book on the topic, published with Verso, was translated into eleven languages. Since 2018, he is head of the Latin America Research Network at the University of Vienna. Currently, he is also a member of the Sustainability Board of his university and the recently established Environment and Climate Hub. Brand is editor of the monthly “Blätter für deutsche und international Politik”, a member of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, and co-founder and member of the Assoziation für kritische Gesellschaftsforschung (Association for Critical Social Research, AkG) as well as co-founder and member of “Diskurs. The Science Network”.
More information:
Ulrich Brand in ORCID
Patience Mususa, Ph.D. and senior researcher
Keynote: The Political Economy of Conviviality in Times of Crisis
Patience Mususa is Senior Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala. Her research focuses on mining, welfare, and urbanization covering issues of inequality, social, economic, and environmental change and with a regional focus on southern central Africa.
Mususa is the author of the monograph There Used to Be Order: Life on the Copperbelt after the privatisation of the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021) which explores the experience of middle-income decline amid an economic crisis compounded by the retreat of state welfare and an HIV/AIDS epidemic. She is also co-editor together with Stephen Marr of the book DIY Urbanism in Africa: Politics and Practice (London: Bloomsbury, expected November 2023).
Mususa has previously worked in architectural practice in Zambia and taught at the University of Cape Town and the Copperbelt University in anthropology and architecture respectively.
Twitter: @PatienceMususa
Patience Mususa in ORCID
Ville Lähde, PhD and researcher
Keynote: The Case for Polycrisis as a keyword of our interconnected times
Ville Lähde (born 1972) is a Finnish environmental researcher, philosopher, author, and science journalist, currently living in Lempäälä. He studied philosophy and environmental policy at Tampere University. His 2008 dissertation Rousseau’s Rhetoric of ‘Nature’ handled the varied meanings of the word “nature” and its use in moral and political disputes. During his years as a researcher of environmental policy, he contributed to the book How Nature Speaks (Duke University Press, 2006).
During 2010–2012 Lähde was the chief editor of the journal niin & näin, having been part of the journalist crew since 2001. He continues to write for the journal and is the chairman of Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura ry, the society that publishes the journal and a book series.
His widely acclaimed book Niukkuuden maailmassa (niin & näin, 2013) handled the issues of resource scarcity, and the next book Paljon liikkuvia osia (Savukeidas, 2015) addressed the problem of polarization in public debates, both as a problem in itself and as a conscious rhetorical strategy.
Currently, Ville Lähde is working for the independent multidisciplinary research unit BIOS. Its areas of interest are environmental and resource problems. The researchers of BIOS both do research and engage in public discussion and education.
During his long and varied career in environmental issues, philosophy, and other fields, Lähde has published circa 300 texts ranging from journal articles to book reviews, short stories, and newspaper columns. His young adult fantasy novel Noitatorvi was published in 1988.
In addition to his writing and active lecturing around Finland, Ville Lähde tends to the old family garden with his dear wife and is a prolific food blogger.
Ville Lähde in ORCID