The University of Eastern Finland is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. Their high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. Their research is ranked among the best in the world in several fields. They offer education in nearly 100 major subjects and we train experts for tomorrow’s changing labour market needs – Project Coordinator

Working with Europe/Treballant amb Europa Associació (Spain) – Formally established in 2013 by a group of professionals from different countries who have been working together for many years in different forms of European collaboration.

Pasvalio Levens pagrindine mokykla (Lithuania) – The school opened in the autumn of 1987 as a secondary school. In 2003, due to the National education reform the school was reorganised into a basic school and has been functioning as a basic school ever since.

PLATON M.E.P.E (Greece) – Platon School of Katerini has been active in the field of education since 1997. In 2013, moved to privately-owned modern and bioclimatic facilities of 4.000 s.m. on a 14.000 s.m. plot in the Ganochora area, north of the Municipality of Katerini in the prefecture of Pieria and about 3 km from the city center.

ORTAKOY 80.YIL MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISES (Turkey) – Technical and Vocational High School is a new established, 15 years ago, a vocational and industrial high school and has over 1000 pupils, adults aged 15-20+.

LICEUL DON ORIONE (Romania) – High School located in Oradea. “Don Orione” High School is organized and operates around the concepts of quality, discipline and respect.

Collegium Balticum (Poland) – Private university in northern Poland. Institution plays an important role within local and regional community in terms of additional thematic – job-relevant foreign language courses for disadvantaged groups.

Teacher Training School

University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School comprises two schools, namely Rantakylä Teacher Training School and Tulliportti Teacher Training School. Rantakylä Teacher Training School offers single-structure basic education for grades 1-9. Tulliportti Teacher Training School operates in two different units, primary school grades 1-6 being located in Länsikatu and lower secondary grades 7-9 as well as upper secondary school in Tulliportinkatu.
hough pedagogical orientation permeates our organisation at every level from leadership and curricula design to assessment and teaching practices, we incorporate increasing levels of andragogical and heutagogical principles whenever it makes sense.
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