It is still so exploratory, scientific research project with many research perspectives. After so long, we have a lot to tell but also a lot more still to discover. Here you can find all program outcomes that showed up during our work. Check all subpages for that great base of knowledge!


Schools participating in such European projects as Schools as Drivers and similar projects might wish to become national and European role-model schools!

They could help other schools develop a school culture of open science schooling based on innovation and student missions. Most schools across Europe desperately need such concrete and school-2-school guidance!

Such guidance is found in the different outputs that the project has produced:


Along the Schools as Drivers of Change, it became clear that a number of students from different schools and countries appeared extremely dedicated and empowered:

  • →  they worked as leaders during the many projects’ activities
  • →  they had a very sharp understanding of the project and what innovation missions mean, even beyond partners and collaborators
  • →  they boldly took the scene whenever needed, including delivering critical input about the project, the teacher roles, etc.
  • →  they were clearly driving their teams towards quality results. However, the most important observation was that they were prepared to continue the missions in their schools, to serve as guides for new generations of students and even to make such innovation missions grow into a new school culture. We think that this small extra might be very important in the long or not so long-term. Why is that? Because words like students’ “co-creation” and “co-driving of educational innovation” are still mostly theory in Europe, still just words and blue visions.

To make those visions a reality, we precisely need dedicated young students: role-models and leaders. See more on these ideas on IO1, IO2 and IO4 as well as through the OERs.

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