Genomic Imputation Service
We offer a comprehensive genomic imputation service using THL Biobank’s SISu reference panel.
Do you have genetic variation data collected from Finns? Our service can complete your data by imputing missing genotypes based on the Finnish haplotype reference panel SISu v3, making your data ready for genetic association studies and other analyses.
Why choose the Finnish haplotype reference panel?
• Improved Accuracy: It enhances the accuracy of genomic analysis
• Increased Power: It boosts the power of genome-wide association studies
• Fine-Mapping Enhancement: It improves fine-mapping of genetic data
• Meta-Analysis and Integration: It enables seamless meta-analysis and integration with other studies
Imputation Reference Panel Details:
We utilize the THL Biobank’s SISu v3 haplotype reference panel, which is derived from high-coverage whole-genome sequence data of 1,768 Finns. For a detailed description of the reference panel, please refer to documentation.
Application process:
If you are intersted in our imputation service, please contact us via and apply for permission to use the imputaion panel from THL. The application process is described in detail on the website. After login the application portal choose: ”5. OTHER COLLECTION: THL Biobank Imputation reference panel”.