Parkkinen (2024). Monisidosryhmäinnovaatio syntyy tulevaisuuden tulkinnoissa ja arvo-odotuksissa
Summary: The dissertation studied the early paths of multistakeholder innovation. It examined the expectations of private and public sector stakeholders regarding the future of personalized medicine in Finland. The research provides a rich, data-driven analysis of the nuanced process in which stakeholder interests and values shape the potential future paths of multistakeholder innovation. The results show that multistakeholder innovation evolves through storytelling, where prospective sensemaking, interpretive processes, and unfolding value expectations shape the innovation. Storytelling defines the conditions for the innovation, guides stakeholder organization around value expectations, and seeks to establish emerging practices within the system.
Usefulness of the results: The results contribute new knowledge to the study of systemic innovation, which has previously focused on identifying established processes and linear models. The research shows that systemic innovation is continuously evolving, unfinished, and oriented towards the future, attracting many actors to prepare for the unknown. It highlights that different actors pause at a common opportunity to begin planning collaboration through stories about the future.
Authors: Ida Parkkinen, University of Eastern Finland
Publishing date: 25.10.2024
Format of the publication: Lectio praecursoria
Publishing platform: Hallinnon tutkimus (
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