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Bulgarian Yoghurt Making

Stanislav joins forces with his mother to illustrate the process of fermentation when making Bulgarian yoghurt. – why “Bulgarian” ? Isn’t yoghurt Greek or what? Bulgarian yoghrt is unique because a) it is sour, unlike its counterparts which are either slightly sugary or neutral; and b) it’s not as creamy but more jelly-like. Interestingly, the essential bacterium that causes milk to ferment and turn into yoghurt became known as lactobacillus bulgaricus as a nod towards the country of yoghurt-eaters, forever linking the Bulgarian nation to yoghurt production. Another intriguing fact is that the village of Trun in Bulgaria now houses the only yoghurt museum in the world. Here is the article with more interesting facts about “kiselo mlyako” or sour milk, the way Bulgarians call yoghurt.