The School Guide

The School Guide to Family-Based Open Science Schooling is a guidance pack that provides:

group work
Capacity building for school and science teachers on the best practices for active involvement of family members in science learning activities to be developed alongside students. The capacity building will also include the establishment and maintenance of strong home-school collaboration (HSC) and communication links. This capacity building material has been developed based on state-of the-art reported outcomes as well as the practical experiences of the knowledge partners on building strong HSC.
Guidance for families on open science schooling, how home and family culture affects students’ interests and how family members can support students’ science learning at home. The guide also plays a role in motivating family members to engage in science learning themselves in order to address any negative bias in values and attitudes towards science that could interfere in the child’s learning.

How to use the guide

The guide comes in two format: ePub interactive book and pdf document.

  • For the best interactive experience, the ePub format guide document requires you to download the free Katobe reader from this link:

After downloading the Katobe reader to your computer, click on the image below (instructions on how to use the interactive guide)

Download the ePub book by clicking on the image

  • The pdf format guide document (not interactive) can be opened by any pdf reader that you may have available.
Click the image to download the pdf file version of The Guide to Family-based OSS document