5 Days Students Mobility (Finland)

Winter in Joensuu walk path

The partnership decided, after much discussion and deliberation, to carry out the crown event of the project 5 Days Students Mobility in a hybrid format, hosted by the coordinator University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus, Finland, face to face during 3 days and virtually for another 2 days. Issues with the pandemic saw the sudden cancelling of the School Team from Turkey, whereas the teams from Poland and Lithuania joint them for remote participation during the 3 days of face to face activity in Finland. The mobility proved a great success, providing the final motivational boost to the school teams for the implementation of the Local Multiplier events and subsequent sustainability of the project outcomes.

TPM III (Online)

drawing of 3-people-family

The consortium saw it 3rd consortium-wide partner meeting during 18-19 October 2021. During the meeting the partners reported their updates on their local community science missions with the families (2nd round of implementations). The students teams also presented their work carried out online with their international peers. Survey for teachers was collected and the general feedback from students was also obtained on their missions documentation practices.

TPM II (Online)

drawing of 3-people-family

The consortium celebrate the 2nd transnational partners meeting in a virtual format during 27-28 May 2021. The local project implementations were discussed furthering the outcomes of the 2nd Project Mobility (virtual). To this points, several shorter online synchronisation meetings have been carried out among the consortium partners preceding the work presented during the official TPM of the project.

Project Mobility 1 (Virtual)

valuable diamond drawing

Due to the offset of the global pandemic, our project is carrying out our first ever online modality mobility with the aim of maintaining motivation and creating synchronisation among the project partners. The 3-days mobility took place via Zoom, 27-29 April 2021. The Mobility created capacity among students and teachers to carry out project activities online and at home (e.g., interviews with family members, at home science discovery missions, etc.) 

Project Mobility 2 (Virtual)

drawing of diamond in hands

As the global pandemic situation has imposed much restrictions on travelling and public gathering, our Family-based Open Science Schooling Project has taken to the virtual world to continue its activities. The (2nd) Empowerment Mobility (originally planned to take place in Greece) saw its development via 3 days of virtual collaboration, 2 – 4 December 2020. The partnership carried out hands-on empowerment workshops for students and teachers, peer-support facing difficulties due to the pandemic and synchronisation of work and project implementation methodology.

Project extension

flower idea drawing

Due to the issues with the new modality of the project implementation as a result of the global pandemic situation, the project has been officially extended for 6 months:
31 Dec 2019 – 30 April 2022

project work progression
Project Implementation Work Progression

Project Logo

project logo thumbnail

Our project has a Logo! The internal logo competition outcome has resulted in the image that will represent the project officially online (and elsewhere)! Thank you to all the school teams for their fine participation and great designs ^_^.

The logo competition was oversaw by our School Team from Turkey. These were the rules that all school teams followed (including Turkey 😉 ):
Rule 1: 8 students from each country can vote.
Rule 2: Students can not vote for the logo made by their team.
Rule 3: Voting for the first logo gives 2 points and for the second 1 point.
Each school team was allowed to submit up to 2 designs to the competition. The winner logo was unveiled during the Online Mobility 1.

Project Kick-off Meeting (Finland)

drawing of 3-people-family

Our Family-based Open Science Schooling project is one of the first systematic European attempts to experiment with bringing in families into the science learning experiences of the students. The project’s most important mission is to develop practically useful guidance to secondary schools and science teachers on how to organize and facilitate family-based open science schooling with good quality, based on rich practical experimentation along the project and on co-creation with young students and their families.


The project has been co-funded under the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership with Schools (KA2 Action), for the period 31.12.2019 – 31.10.2021.

The kick-off meeting was carried out at the University of Eastern Finland (coordinator) Joensuu Campus, Finland, 12-14 February 2020

A full coverage of the activities of the meeting is found in the project Blogspot page Kick-off meeting in Finland
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