FishEDU (Capacity Building in fisheries and aquaculture education in the Kyrgyz Republic) is a partnership project run by the University of Eastern Finland and the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin, aiming at building capacity in fisheries and aquaculture education in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The collaboration between UEF and KNAU aims to provide an enabling environment for teaching fisheries and aquaculture, at both vocational and bachelor level, by training of trainers, developing teaching and study material and developing the teaching infrastructure at KNAU.
The main activities of FishEDU are:
1) training of trainers on fisheries and aquaculture subjects and pedagogics
2) piloting of courses in two newly developed curricula and development of course material
3) establishment of an aquaculture demonstration and training centre and an e-library.
FishEDU is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland through the HEI ICI (Higher Education Institutions Institutional Coopearation Instrument) programme administered by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
The main collaborating partners are: the UN World Food Programme, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, the Natural Resource Institute Finland, the Department of Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development of Kyrgyzstan, Aqua Service Ltd. , Stimulator Ltd. and RaisioAqua Ltd.