Datasets and Software


Fibrin bead assay with VEGF-A stimulation

Researchers: Mustafa Beter, Johanna Laakkonen, Seppo Ylä-Herttuala

Confocal microscopy images of fibrin bead assay.

Cells: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were isolated, maintained in PromoCell Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (Heidelberg, Germany) with 1X endothelial growth kit addition, and used in passage 2. Human lung pulmonary fibroblasts (hPFs) were purchased from PromoCell, maintained in DMEM with 10% FBS, and used in passage 8.

Experimental groups with VEGF-A concentrations: Group1 (no VEGFA), Group2 (1 ng/ml VEGFA), Group3 (10 ng/ml VEGFA), Group4 (20 ng/ml VEGFA), Group5 (50 ng/ml VEGFA)

We used VEGF-A from R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN for the stimulation. Media change and VEGF-A stimulation were done on days 0,2,4,6. Assay fixation was on day 7.

Staining: DAPI staining for nuclei, phalloidin staining for F-actin.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7240927.svg



Researchers: Juan Miguel Valverde, Riccardo De Feo, Artem Shatillo, Jussi Tohka

Official repository of MedicDeepLabv3+

MedicDeepLabv3+ is a convolutional neural network based on DeepLabv3+ implemented in Python and Pytorch to extract the brain mask and the contralateral hemisphere of rodent MRI brain scans with lesions. The code of MedicDeepLabv3+ is simplified to make it readable and accessible to a wide audience.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4009212.svg