Members of the unit have received multiple awards of excellence, be it best paper awards, best scholars or best thesis among others. The recognition of the scientific work stands as a testimony to the high quality work we are working hard to bring. We continue to pursue our passion for innovations, expand our knowledge and give back to the community through our commitment to open access research and scientific software.
List of Awards:
- (2024) IEEE TCLT Early Career Researcher Award in Learning Technologies awarded to Sonsoles López-Pernas
- (2024) Best reviewer award at the ICALT 2024 conference held at Nicosia, Cyprus awarded to Sonsoles López-Pernas
- (2024) Nominated to best paper award at the ICALT 2024 conference (Nicosia, Cyprus)
- (2024) ‘BEST FULL PAPER AWARD’ at the 14th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK24) Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) held in Kyoto, Japan.
- (2023) Europe Emerging Scholar Award awarded to Mohammed Saqr by the the Society of Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR) for noteworthy research leading to significant knowledge and understanding of learning analytics and the impact of their research on learning analytics application, adoption, and professional development in Europe.
- (2023) Best paper award at the TEEM 2023 conference (Bragança, Portugal). Track “Gamification and Games for Learning (GAMILEARN)”.
- (2023) Best paper award at the TEEM 2023 conference (Bragança, Portugal). Track “Data-Driven Education: Overcoming Hurdles for the Future of Learning Analytics”.
- (2022) Outstanding paper award: In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2022).
- (2022) Research award to the best doctoral thesis (ex aequo) in the experimental and technological sciences by the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (RADE)
- (2022) Extraordinary PhD thesis award from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- (2021) Best Project award in the XV open source software contest (CUSL) for the development of Educational Data Virtual Lab
- (2020) Best paper Award, 28th International Conference on Computers in Education.
- (2020) Best copyleft license project award in the XIV open source software contest (CUSL) for the development of Escapp.
- (2018) University of Michigan, Office of Academic Innovation fellowship.
- (2018) Best thesis, Computer Science Department, Stockholm University, Sweden.
- (2018) Best educational innovation group award at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- (2018) Best local project (Madrid) award in TadHack
- (2018) Second best Kairos implementation award in TadHack

Sonsoles receives the IEEE TCLT Emerging Scholar Award 2024

Sonsoles receives best paper award at TEEM 2023

Mohammed Saqr and Sonsoles López-Pernas together with our co-authors from Norway Rogers Kaliisa, Kamila Misiejuk and Mohammad Khalil winning the best paper award at LAK 2024