Social Network Analysis

3621696 Social Network Analysis (advanced level), 5 ECTS


Basics of networks: building blocks of networks, types of networks, network formats, analysis methods, software and representations techniques. Network data collection, processing and building networks from data including decision on appropriate methods and techniques. Network visualization, types of layouts, reporting and sensemaking of the visualization. Mathematical analysis of networks, centrality measures, network properties and sensemaking of results. Dynamics of network formation and evolution.

The Intended learning objectives of this course are

– Describe the types of networks, concepts, network representations and analysis methods.
– Collect network data, create networks in appropriate format from different sources .
– Analyse networks using visual methods with different layouts, tuning techniques and softwares.
– Analyse networks using statistical methods on both the individual and network level.
– Identify significant communities, nodes and structures and create meaningful reports using real life data.
– Describe the dynamics of the networks, how networks form and evolve.


Sonsoles López-Pernas   –  Mohammed Saqr

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