Associate Professor
Head of Learning Analytics Unit
Mohammed Saqr is an associate professor at the UEF School of Computing’s lab of learning analytics. He holds a PhD in learning analytics from Stockholm University and previously held a post-doc at University of Paris. His research focuses on interdisciplinary areas including learning analytics, big data, network science, and science of science and medicine. He has received several awards for his thesis and research, including the best thesis award and University of Michigan Office of Academic Innovation fellowship. He has also secured funding from institutions like Swedish Research Council and Academy of Finland for his work in Idiographic learning analytics. Mohammed serves as an academic editor for four prestigious journals, has organized and contributed to international conferences, and delivered several invited keynotes. He collaborates with researchers in Finland, Spain, Serbia, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, UK, and USA. In total, he collaborated with more than 170 researchers from 22 countries.
Research Focus
Mohammed’s research interests have grown into several threads at the intersection of computer science, analytics, and education. Such threads of research revolve around six main intertwined topics which include: methodological innovation, person-centered learning analytics e.g., how can we use data to understand and support individual learners? temporal aspects of learning e.g., How does learning unfold over time? network science e.g., How can we use network analysis to understand learning interactions? Idiographic learning analytics: How can we harness individual variation to improve learning predictions? Replicability and reproducibility and science of science: How can we ensure that our research is rigorous and reproducible?
Visit http://saqr.meFor an updated list of Mohammed Saqr’s publications