31.1.2023: Elena Ppali: Our brain makes us humans
Elena Ppali: Our brain makes us humans I was always fascinated by the human brain. The idea that a single organ controls everything that makes us human, from our thoughts and emotions to our favourite breakfast cereal, was simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating. However, I did not always want to be a scientist studying the human […]
19.1.2023: Shekhar Singh: Learn from the past, and work on the present to make a better future.
Shekhar Singh: Learn from the past, and work on the present to make a better future. My Inspiration कर्मण्ये वाधिका रस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्म फल हेतु र्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्व कर्मणि॥ सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ। ततो युद्धाय युज्यस्व नैवं पापमवाप्स्यसि ॥ These two Shlokas are my inspiration for living life and doing research. The meaning […]