Ahmed Mohamed: The Power of Networking in Science
Networking is incredibly important for the scientific community as a whole and scientists as individuals. It is more than just attending conferences and exchanging contact information. It is about building meaningful connections that could lead to collaborations, access to resources, career growth and a supportive community. Let’s check out some insights on why networking is […]
Melina Estela Dalmau: Hippocampus: a structure to remember
I’ve been exploring (and getting lost in) the microscopic world of brain tissue for almost two years now. The reason is that part of my PhD has to do with high-magnification images (aka photomicrographs) of rat brains. Honestly, I’m still amazed every time I zoom in on these images, discovering all the patterns and the […]
Hannaneh Moradi: The Art of Qualitative Data Analysis: From Complexity to Clarity
As a researcher who is constantly engaged in the analysis of qualitative data, I find this a complex and fascinating process that merges art and science. Unlike quantitative analysis, where numbers and figures are present to help draw conclusions, qualitative research relies on words, patterns, and meanings. The challenge is to transform vast, unstructured texts […]