Catherine Kayonga: From Community ties to a Welfare state: Social support in Uganda and Finland
Laughter and ululations fill the sky from the kitchen in the backyard. It is a joyous day and most of the ladies have come together to support their friend, whose daughter will be introducing her fiance to her parents. The party is quite large, and a number of hands are needed to help out with […]
Melika Azim Zadegan: From Vision to Action: Lessons from Finland’s Digital Healthcare Journey
In the constantly changing healthcare environment, Finland stands out as a leader in innovation, particularly in the field of digital healthcare. The key to Finland’s success lies in its dedication to innovation and collaboration, which is driving a digital transformation in healthcare delivery. By leveraging technology and data, the country aims to improve patient outcomes, […]
Kaustubh Jadhav: Wandering Alone for Finding Yourself: The Magic of Solo Travel
Have you ever felt drawn to the idea of embarking on an adventure, only to find yourself without company? In such moments, Solo Travel becomes the last option. Once considered a niche pursuit, solo travel has evolved into a global phenomenon, capturing the imaginations of wanderers in search of something extraordinary. I call it a […]
Melina Estela Dalmau: Be fair, take FAIRway
Let’s enter a library. That fantasy of several floors full of books, comics and music. Even 3D printers, a kitchen or rooms for playing video games if you visit Oodi in Helsinki. But let’s stick to a traditional, book-filled library. Now, imagine that the owners have decided to do an experiment: the library materials are […]
Hannaneh Moradi: Embracing the Thaw: A Tale of Organizational Identity in the Changing Seasons
As the icy grip of winter begins to loosen its hold and the first signs of spring peek through the frost, it’s impossible not to draw parallels between the changing seasons and the fluid nature of organizational identity. Just as the landscape transforms from a frozen tundra to a blossoming oasis, so too do organizations […]
Shekhar Singh: Understanding EPM1 and CSTB: Unraveling the Mysteries of a Rare Disorder
Our research delves into EPM1, also known as Unverricht–Lundborg disease, which is a rare form of epilepsy characterized by seizures, progressive myoclonus, and neurological deterioration. It is caused due to the mutation in CSTB, the cystatin B gene. CSTB encodes cystatin B, a protein involved in regulating protease activity within cells. Mutations in CSTB lead […]
Elena Ppali: We need to talk about dementia
Once people learn that I am a PhD researcher in Finland, the first question I get asked is whether I have seen the Northern Lights – I have, twice – followed by a question about what my research is about. My default answer to the latter is always something along the lines ‘I study a […]
Alex Berg: Care and support challenges of older immigrants and immigrants living with dementia
This interview presents an overview of Alex’s preliminary results concerning the challenges that face older immigrants and immigrants with dementia when they seek care and support in Finland: Alex Berg works as a doctoral researcher in the Neuro-Innovation PhD Programme. His research focuses on the legal rights and access to justice for older immigrants and […]
Faezeh Heidari: Do not let your failures to define you, let them teach you
My name is Faezeh, originally from Iran. I am currently a Ph.D. researcher in the Neuro-Innovation Ph.D. programme in the Clinical Neuroscience and Neuroimaging field, at the Department of Neurology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Eastern Finland. I firmly believe that the notion of “impossible” is merely an opinion, and it substantially depends on […]
Kanishka: Dream until your dreams come true!
Hi, I am Kanishka, from India, currently pursuing a PhD from the A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern Finland. The idea of pursuing a PhD abroad never crossed my mind; it still feels like a distant dream! Throughout my school days, the professions that were highly hyped were either becoming a medical […]