Virtual Exhibition 3: Future
The project’s third virtual exhibition brings together works on the theme of Future. The works were created using drawing and painting in an art-based workshop in August 2023 as part of the research project.
In the workshop, young people made portraits of themselves in the future. Young people were instructed to look at themselves in relation to other people and places—where and with whom do they see themselves in the future?
The works in the virtual exhibition reflect young people’s dreams for the future, both big and small. Some of these visions of the future can be seen to be linked to young people’s life path goals, such as graduating from university, succeeding in hobbies, or finding a relationship. Others also reflect broader social themes, for example, linked to intercultural relations. Some young people’s work reflects uncertainty about the future and difficulty visualizing the future environment and destination.
As part of the research project, we will also collect research data from visitors to the exhibition. We want to find out what kind of thoughts the works in the virtual exhibitions evoke and how the visitors to the exhibitions interpret the works. We hope to gather as wide a range of experiences as possible from visitors to the virtual exhibitions, so your response would be paramount to us. It takes about 15 minutes to complete the exhibition survey, depending on the length of your answer. You can visit the exhibition without answering the questionnaire.

Art works