
SOBIO – Selected Publications

Albrecht, E., Hannonen, O., Palacín-Lizarbe, C., Suni, J., Härkönen, L.H., Soininen, N., Kukkkonen, J., & Vainikka, A. 2023. Browning of boreal lakes: Do public perceptions and governance meet the biological foundations? Ecological applications, e2856. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2856

Albrecht, M., Kortelainen, J., Sawatzky, M., Lukkarinen, J. and Rytteri, T. 2017. Translating bioenergy policy in Europe: mutation, aims and boosterism in EU energy governance. Geoforum, 87: 73-84.

Albrecht, M. 2017. The role of translation loops in policy mutation processes: State designated Bioenergy Regions in Germany. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35(5):898-915

Apajalahti, E-L., Aula, I., Ek, T., Halla, T., Halonen, M., Houtbeckers, E., Kallio, E.K., Karhunkorva, R., Laine, J., Leiwo, L., Lummaa, K., Matilainen, A., Näyhä, A., Salmivuori, E., Seppä, T., Simkin J., Takala, T., 2022. Human Science Approaches and Parallel Future Pathways – A Review of Human-Forest Relationship Research (in Finnish). In: Paaskoski, L., Roiko-Jokela, H., Rikala, M. (eds.), Metsät ja tulevaisuus. Vuosilusto 14. Suomen Metsämuseo Lusto ja Metsähistorian Seura: Punkaharju.

Dobrynin, D., Yakusheva Jarlebring, N., Mustalahti, I., Sotirov, M., Kulikova, E., Lopatin, E. 2021. The forest environmental frontier in Russia: Between sustainable forest management discourses and ‘wood mining’ practice. Ambio, 50:2138–2152

Dobrynin, D., Smirennikova, E., & Mustalahti, I. 2020. Non-state forest governance and ‘Responsibilization’: The prospects for FPIC under FSC certification in Northwest Russia. Forest Policy and Economics, 115, 102142.

Donner-Amnell, J. 2017. Maailmanvalloitus, kriisi ja uudestisyntyminen – Suomen metsäteollisuuden kehitys 1995-2017 monivaiheisena jännitysnäytelmänä. Teoksesta Marginaalinen maantiede, toim. Mustonen, Tero; Tanskanen, Minna ja Semi, Jussi. OSK Lumimuutos, 71-77.

Erkkilä, A. and Indongo, N. 2017. Relocation of the homestead: A customary practice in the communal areas of north-central Namibia. In: Tor Halvorsen, Hilde Ibsen, Henri-Count Evans and Sharon Penderis (Eds.) Knowledge for Justice: Critical Perspectives from Southern African-Nordic Research Partnerships. African minds, 227-240.

Erkkilä, A. 2016. Väestön- ja ympäristönmuutos Pohjois-Namibiassa. Teoksessa: Kari Miettinen ja Jan Kuhanen Jan (toim.) Ystävällistä viisautta: professori Harri Siiskosen 60-vuotisjuhlakirja. University Press of Eastern Finland, 47-70.

Eversberg, D., Koch, P., Lehmann, R. et al. 2023. The more things change, the more they stay the same: promises of bioeconomy and the economy of promises. Sustain Sci 18, 557–568.

Gutiérez-Zamora, V. Mustalahti , I. and García-Osorio, D. 2022 Plural values of forests and the formation of collective capabilities: The case of community forestry in Mexico. Environmental Sociology DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2022.2135063

Halla, T., Holz, J., Karhunkorva, R., Laine, J., 2023. Human-forest relationship (HFR) – concept definition and potentials for forest policy and research. Forest Policy and Economics 153, 102995.

Halla, T., Laine, J., 2022. To cut or not to cut – emotions and forest conflict in digital media. Journal of Rural Studies 94, 439–453.

Hannonen, O., & Hoogendoorn, G. 2022. Angling tourism: A state-of-the-art review. Matkailututkimus, 18(2), 6-30. DOI: 10.33351/mt.116555

Hodge, D., Brukas, V., and Giurca, A. 2017. Forests in a bioeconomy: bridge, boundary or divide?. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 32:7, 582-587.

Di Gregorioa, M., Nurrochmat D.M., Paavola J., Maya Sari I., Fatorellia L., Pramova E., Locatelli, B., Brockhausb, M. and Dyah Kusumadewia, S. 2017. Climate policy integration in the land use sector: Mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development linkages. Environment and Policy 67:35-43

Kangas, J., Tikkanen, J., Leskinen, P., Kurttila, M., and Kajanus. M. 2017. Developing hybrid SWOT methodologies for choosing joint bioeconomy co-operation priorities by three Finnish universities. Biofuels 8(4): 459-471.

Karvonen, J., Halder, P., Kangas, J. and Leskinen, P. 2017. Indicators and Tools for Assessing Sustainability Impacts of the Forest Bioeconomy. Forest Ecosystems 4:2.

Khanam, T., Rahman, A., Mola-Yudego, B., and Pykäläinen, J. 2015. Identification of structural breaks in the forest product markets: how sensitive are to changes in the Nordic region?. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 1-15.

Kleinschmit, D., Arts, B., Giurca, A., Mustalahti. I., Sergent, A. and Pulzl, H. 2017. Environmental concerns in political bioeconomy discourses. International Forestry Review 19(1): 41-55.

Komppula, R. and Konu, H. 2017. Designing Forest-Based Wellbeing Tourism Services For Japanese Customers – A Case Study From Finland. In: Prebensen Nina K, Chen Joseph S, Uysal Muzaffer S (Eds.) Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences. Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility. Routledge.

Komppula, R., Konu, H. and Vikman, N. 2017. Listening to the sounds of silence: Forest Based Wellbeing Tourism in Finland. Chapter 11 in Joseph S. Chen and Nina K. Prebensen (Eds.): Nature Tourism. Routledge. 120-130.

Komppula, R., Suni, J., Turunen, L., Garner, W.C., & Vainikka, A. 2022. Determinants of the value of fishing tourism experience among anglers. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 22(1/2), 19-46. DOI: 10.1504/ijsmm.2022.121258

Konu, H. & Tyrväinen L. 2020. Matkakohteen luontoympäristön vetovoimaisuuden ylläpitäminen maisema- ja virkistysarvokaupan avulla. Matkailututkimus, 16(2), 40–44. DOI:

Kröger, M. and Raitio, K. 2017. Finnish forest policy in the era of bioeconomy: A pathway to sustainability? Forest Policy and Economics 77:6-15

Laakkonen, A., Zimmerer, R., Kähkönen, T., Hujala, T., Takala, T., Tikkanen, J. 2018. Forest owners’ attitudes toward pro-climate and climate-responsive forest management. Forest Policy and Economics 87:1-10.

Marttila, J. and Heräjärvi, H. 2015. Puutuotealan kasvumahdollisuudet cleantech-yhteistyön avulla. Esitutkimushankkeen loppuraportti. Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimus 53/2015. Luonnonvarakeskus. 51 s.

Mustalahti, I. Tokola, N, Pakarinen, V. Siltavuo, V. 2023. Intergenerational justice and learning: From responsibilization of young people towards sustainable well-being and environmental citizenship. In Honkatukia P. & Rättilä (eds) Young People as Agents of Sustainable Society Reclaiming the Future. Routledge.

Mustalahti, I., Gutiérrez-Zamora V., Hyle M., Prasad Devkota B., Tokola, N. 2020 Responsibilization in natural resources governance: A romantic doxa? Forest Policy and Economics, 111:102033

Mustalahti, I. 2017. The responsive bioeconomy: The need for inclusion of citizens and environmental capability in the forest based bioeconomy. Journal of Cleaner Production 1-10

Mustalahti, I ja Kusmin, J-M. 2016. Uusia haasteita metsäsektorin, metsänomistajien ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan. Ympäristöpolitiikan ja -oikeuden vuosikirja IX 2016. Itä-Suomen yliopisto. pp. 243–264.

Näyhä, A., Pelli, P. and Hetemäki, L. 2015 Services in the forest-based sector – unexplored futures, Foresight. 17, 378-398.

Pelli, P. , Haapala, A. and Pykäläinen, J. 2017 Services in the forest-based bioeconomy – analysis of European strategies. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 7, 559-567.

Pesonen, J., Komppula, R., Kronenberg, C.. Peters, M. 2011. Understanding the relationship between push and pull motivations in rural tourism. Tourism Review, Vol. 66 Iss: 3, pp.32 – 49.

Pölönen, I. 2016. Revised EIA Directive from the perspective of the Finnish EIA system – Legal push for real improvements? UVP Report. Vol. 30(2)

Pölönen, I., Tahvanainen, T., Kauppila, J., Meriläinen, H-K. 2017. Haitankärsijät turvetuotannon vesistövaikutusten valvojina – Linnunsuon tapaus. Ympäristöjuridiikka 1: 8–41.

Rahman, A., Khanam, T. and Pelkonen, P. 2017 People’s knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes towards stump harvesting for bioenergy production in Finland. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70:107-116

Ramcilovic-Suominen, S. 2023. Envisioning just transformations in and beyond the EU bioeconomy: inspirations from decolonial environmental justice and degrowth. Sustain Sci 18, 707–722.

Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., Kröger, M., Dressler, W. 2022. From pro-growth and planetary limits to degrowth and decoloniality: An emerging bioeconomy policy and research agenda. Forest Policy and Economics, 144, 102819,

Ramcilovic‐Suominen, S., Lovric, M., Mustalahti, I. 2019. Mapping policy actor networks and their interests in the FLEGTVoluntary Partnership Agreement in Lao PDR. World Development 118:128-148

Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., Pülzl, H. 2017. Sustainable development: A ‘selling point’ of the emerging EU bioeconomy policy framework? Journal of Cleaner Production 172: 4170-4180.

Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., Epstein, G. 2015. The impacts of deterrence, social norms and legitimacy on forest rule compliance in Ghana. Forest Policy and Economics 55:10-20.

Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., Epstein, G. 2012. Towards an analytical framework for forest law compliance. International Forestry Review 14(3):326-336.

Sawatzky, M. and Albrecht, M. 2017. Translating EU renewable energy policy for insular energy systems: Reunion Island’s quest for energy autonomy. Fennia 195(2):xx–xx.

Sorakunnas, E. & Konu, H. 2022. Digitally Customized and Interactive Laddering: A New Way for Examining Tourists’ Value Structures. Journal of Travel Research, DOI: 10.1177/00472875221077976.

Suni, J., Komppula, R., & Kortet, R. 2022. Experiential value of participation in angling competition – a study from Finland. European Journal of Tourism Research, 32, 3213. DOI: 10.54055/ejtr.v32i.2519

Tahvanainen, V., Kurttila, M., Miina, J., Hujala, T., Väkeväinen, T. Salo, K. 2016. Pohjoiskarjalaisten ja kainuulaisten metsänomistajien mielipide marjastuksesta ja sienestyksestä yksityismetsissä. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2/2016: 95–110.

Tikkanen, J., Hokajärvi, R., Hujala, T. Kurttila, M. 2017. Ex ante evaluation of a PES system: Safeguarding recreational environments for nature-based tourism. Journal of Rural Studies 52: 42–55.

Turunen, L., Komppula, R., & Suni, J. 2020. Kalastusmatkailuelämyksen asiakasarvo. Matkailututkimus, 16(1), 35-54.