Spectral cameras
Specim IQ spectral camera

Line scanning spectral camera. Line scanner built into optics, no physical scanner is needed.
VNIR 400-1000 nm (CMOS), spatial pixels 512, spectral bands 204, ENVI format, object distance
150 – ∞ mm, FOV 31 x 31 degrees, weight 1.3 kg.
Specim V10, VIS Line Spectral camera

Visible spectral camera Specim V10 in Specim Line Spectral Imaging System. Spatial pixels
2144, spectral pixels (spectral bands) 1080, wavelength range 400-1000 nm.
Specim Line Spectral Imaging System

Line Scanning Spectral Imaging System includes scanner 1×1.5 m and two cameras: visible V10
(400-1000 nm) and SWIR N25 (1000-2500 nm).
Specim N25, SWIR Line Spectral camera
SWIR spectral camera Specim N25 in Specim Line Spectral Imaging System. Spatial pixels 320,
spectral pixels (spectral bands) 250, wavelength range 1000-2500 nm.
Fluxdata model FD 1665‐MS7, Spectral video camera
Camera has 7-channels: 2x blue, 2x green, 2x red and 1x IR channel (700-100 nm). Frame rate:
30 frames/sec. Output video data can be converted to individual frames for processing.
Nuance LCTF IR-camera
Spectral measurement in the 450–950 nm wavelength range, spectral images are created by
scanning in the direction of the wavelength.
Nuance LCTF VIS-camera
Spectral measurement in the 420–720 nm wavelength range, spectral images are created by
scanning in the direction of the wavelength.