Manisha Hamal

Doctoral student

Masters’ in Health Sciences

Contact Information

Email: hamal.manisha07 (at)

Major Research and Other Interests

My PhD thesis focuses on bullying and its long-term physiological and psychological impacts in adolescents’ wellbeing. This study will explore the association of bullying activities and the need for health services among adolescents. My study aims to help mitigate bullying and its associated health effects in adolescents. Apart from bullying, my research interest is mainly in adolescents’ health and wellbeing.

Other Interests

In my free time I love to read, listen to music and cook. My favorite hobbies are travelling and dancing.

Selected Publications

  • Subedi S, Hamal M, Kaphle HP. Sexual harassment in the hospital: are nurses safe? Int J Health Sci Res. 2013;3(6):41-47.
  • Hamal M, Susma KC. Hygiene, health problems and socio-cultural practices: What school girls do during menstruation? Int J Health Sci Res.2014;4(4):28-33.
  • Hamal M, Neupane S, Rimpela A. Risk factors of cyberbullying and its association with perceived health among Finnish adolescents. Submitted for publication in international journal ‘Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies’.