Previous Conferences
Transforming Borders in an Insecure World
5-6 October 2023, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus
2023 BOMOCULT Conference welcomed papers and panels that took up debates regarding processes of cooperation, dialogue and inclusion as well as the challenges that confront more open understandings of borders. We particularly encouraged interdisciplinary and geographically diverse perspectives on borders as spaces of opportunity – within and despite the current context of conflict and fragmentation.
2023 Conference included six thematic paper sessions and two plenary sessions.
Keynote Speakers 2023
Dorte Jagetic Andersen, University of Southern Denmark: Seeing from the Border in Times of Multiple Crises – Reflections on the Potential of ‘The Borderland Perspective’ in Dealing with Crisis
Sabine Lehner, University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Austria: Theoretical, Empirical and Methodological Perspectives on the Relationship between Language, Boundaries and Borders. A special plenary of the LangWork Project.
In 2022, BOMOCULT participated in the
19th ETMU Days “Mobile Lives, Glocal Complexities”
24-25 November 2022, at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus
Frictions, Encounters and Cosmopolitan Conditions
7-8 October 2021, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
2021 BOMOCULT Conference, the 8th in an ongoing series organized by UEF’s Borders, Mobilities and Cultural Encounters Research Community, built on rich interdisciplinary dialogue linking borders, mobilities and cultural encounters. At the same time, the agenda reflected the impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic. As the world was craving for a return to ‘normal’ life, there was a general sense that the social, political and economic consequences of Covid-19 would be with us long after the pandemic abated. Economic recovery did not benefit all countries in like manner and the social divisions exacerbated by the health crisis were difficult to bridge in the short term. During the pandemic we also experienced a resurgence of national egoisms and weak international responses despite the global nature of the crisis.
2021 Conference included seven thematic paper sessions, two keynote speakers and a special plenary lecture.
Keynote Speakers 2021
Cathal McCall, Professor, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen’s University Belfast: Friction at the New Western European Union Frontier: Brexitland and Irish borders.
Cyril Hovorun, Professor, Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles: Theological Epistemology and Pedagogy.
Special Plenary Lecture 2021
Alistair Hunter, Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Policy, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow: Minorities in, minorities out: Cemeteries, religious diversity and the French body politic in contemporary and historical perspective.