Induction synthesis of functionalized carbon nanostructures from biomasses and application studies (BioGraph)
Duration: 1.9.2017-31.8.2022
Funding: Academy of Finland

Carbon-based materials (e.g. graphene, carbon nanoflowers, nanotubes) have excellent physical and chemical properties such as high electrical and thermal conductivity combined with good mechanical stability. Due to, e.g., increased surface area and decreased number of graphene layers, carbon nanomaterials have improved performance compared with conventional carbon materials in number of applications. Furthermore, functionalized carbon nanomaterials may have an enormous industrial importance especially in electrochemical applications. By doping the carbon nanomaterial with metallic or non-metallic elements, such as nickel, cobalt, iron, nitrogen, sulfur or boron its structure can be further altered for desired application including fuel cells, supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries.
An increasing number of studies are reporting the synthesis of carbon nanostructures (e.g. graphene) from biomass based precursors. At the same time a large feedstock of carbon can be found from the Finnish wood-stock. New methods to create additional value for this natural resource are highly desired today. For example, biomass from the forest industry provides a large and cost efficient source of carbon, which can be used as precursor for synthesis of carbon materials.
We have previously demonstrated a novel induction annealing process for the synthesis of graphene sheets and carbon nanoflowers. This process will be now applied in this project for generation of carbon nanostructures from the biomass based precursors. The aim of the project is to generate high-value-added products from the biomass using the induction annealing synthesis of carbon nanostructures and apply these structures to energy storage applications.

For more information: Assoc. Prof. Anna Lähde, tel. +358 40 355 3805, anna.lahde(at)