Innovation Ecosystem for Emission Control and Catalyst Chemistry to Develop Environmentally Friendly Combustion and Industrial Processes (KATE)
Duration: 2019-2021
Funding: Business Finland
Regulations on emissions from combustion processes are being tightened globally, generating a wide range of new business opportunities for companies offering solutions for low emission combustion technologies and emission control techniques. At the same time, the ongoing transition to renewable biofuels, bioeconomy and decentralized energy production poses challenges to current air pollution control techniques. This project develops novel innovative solutions for exhaust gas after-treatment and environmental catalysis together in a consortium between industrial partners and the University of Eastern Finland. Industrial partners of the project are Turun Uunisepät, Tulikivi, Hexion, Dinex and Tassu ESP.

For more information: Assoc. Prof. Olli Sippula, tel. +358 40 355 3397, olli.sippula(at)uef.fi